Apr 27, 2011

Sunday afternoon.

I realize that Q is in the same shoes just about every single day. The poor boy's feet just won't grow any faster, & so he's getting really great use out of his sneakers. Luckily they're cute, but seriously. He's got a great shoe collection just waiting for him to grow a bit. 

Spring hit New York on Sunday, & oh my goodness are we happy about it. I think I finally have the confidence to pack up our down coats (in April!!).

PS: Grant me patience while I attempt to grow out my bangs. Eek.


Jill said...

Shorts, and short sleeves?? I hope the weather stays nice for a few more weeks. You will have to tell me what I need to bring. Can I still wear pants in May? I can't remember.

ps. you look really cute. note to self: don't wear those pants when i'm there with you, you look way better in them than i do.

Lynne said...

Can I ask where you get your cute baby boy shoes? I've been looking for some for my little guy, and I'm struggling.

k. said...

Oh gosh, I don't have perfect sources. Baby Gap? Nordstrom? I just bought a great pair of New Balance sneakers for him from Zappos. And Keep Shoes. I'm loving those lately too, and have stocked up on some bigger sizes for him.

Lynne said...

Love them. Thanks!