Apr 29, 2011

Q got some new sneakers.

I don't remember why Q wasn't wearing pants. But his legs! Squish, squish, squish.

We're having a great time with Elizabeth & Ryan here. Lots of walking, lots of food, lots of our favorite things. In the midst of this though, I'm trying to figure out how to be a capable mother / sister / wife / hostess while managing a few broken toes (that still really hurt), + the obvious signal that the universe hates me, manifested in a severe sore throat / head cold that appeared with a vengeance I can't seem to shake. Because when it rains it pours, right? So, bad timing (Elizabeth & Ryan's first trip to NYC!), but excellent timing really, with people around me who are so willing to help.  I basically needed two assistants getting around today, tweaked my back getting out of a cab with Q + a bag + stroller & am most definitely headed straight to a back massage after we're done with our dinner tonight. Ouchie.


Some photos of Q in his new kicks. He was obviously pretty happy about them.


erin said...

next he needs a pair of hood kicks, like those brightly colored nike hightops or something.

jocelyn said...

i really like those sneakers.