Apr 30, 2011

They make him jump.


amanda abby said...

I don't know you or you cute family, but I had to comment- this is the cutest thing ever!

Ylrac said...

that's pretty nifty

Julie said...

Absolutely adorable!

Lindsey said...

ah, i love it! the music is perfect. :)

Meg said...

That. Was. Adorable. (those thighs! I die.)

Tara Edwards said...

I love his legs!! That is so cute!

Jill said...

good call on the song choice. i love his legs + sneaks. so cute.

Jeanne said...

Looks like he's having a great time. He's got good rhythm too! A very cute viewpoint for filming.

Jill said...

Those legs, squish! so cute.

erin said...

looks like you know exactly what you're doing with imovie. that was perfect.

ellen said...

4 words: America's Funniest Home Videos