May 17, 2011

I love the internet universe.

Because here's what happened: Erin was moving to New York from Mexico, & reached out to a friend she'd known in Hong Kong, who used to live in New York, who had a friend still living here, who was also my friend, who happened to be moving to the west coast. That's how she (she = Erin) ended up living just a few blocks away from me on the Upper East side. (Insert immediate + blissful friendship) I got to know Erin's sweet friend Noelle (pictured above + from Mexico) through the blogging universe, eventually meeting Noelle's sister #1 (Danielle - out of 2) last year in New York through the exchange of a polaroid camera, & then finally got together with all three of them (the three sisters, that is - Noelle from Mexico + Danielle from NYC + Audrey from Boston) last weekend. Oh! And no big deal that it was Danielle's wedding day. As in, the afternoon of the day in which she got married. 

(Are you following? Keep up! I'd draw a diagram if I had the emotional capacity.)

Anyway! It was a really wonderful thing to get to see these girls at The Grey Dog in the West Village on Saturday afternoon, & reminded me that Heaven will most certainly be full of all of my favorite people all in one spot. Q sadly had other arrangements that afternoon & couldn't attend, missing out on starting lifelong friendships with Noelle & Audrey's little gentlemen - a bit devastating, but we'll hopefully reconvene soon. Sigh.

Love these girls. And will post photos of them once I receive proper permissions. 


Lindsey said...

The internet universe is amazing, really. So fun to make new friends. I had to read the paragraph twice about how you all connected, but I think I got it now...

noelle said...

i'm scared to give permission. they are hideous photos of me... but aud and d are cute like always, so i guess i'll sacrifice myself. can we put up some kind of disclaimer??? seriously never wearing that cardi again.

Unknown said...

that's fun! especially that you arranged getting together.

may I add? after reading one of noelle's comments on your blog several months ago, I realized that she married Bruce, who my sister and I went to highschool (England), carpooled to church and had many sunday dinners with. we knew him and his brother Sherman pretty well. (and I think I met Noelle many years ago after they had just gotten married..) and then at at Christmas time when I was flipping through my parents' Christmas cards, I realized that your friend Erin's mother in law is my dad's cousin. and her brother and law used to live in santa rosa and works for the same company as brad.

erin said...

my heart feels happy when my friends become friends. i just wanna hug someone.

audrey said...

i loved this special encounter : ) a sweet little moment, tucked away in a cozy cafe with hot chocolate. what a fun way to begin the rest of our loooooong family friendship!! can't wait to see you again!! and wouldn't it be fun to rendezvous in texas with noey and erin?? let's make it happen.

p.s. i loved the pix you took. however, i cannot stand my hair and tired eyes and last-minute-pulled-together outfit that felt like i needed to hide behind everybody else in the photo. sigh... narcissism.
how about less is more--this picture of you two is just perfect : ) !!