May 27, 2011

L is for Lloyds.

We got a sitter & went out with Jill & Sean their last night in the city. We had big plans of going to Cascabel (1 block away), & decided to hop in a cab & go down to the Lower East Side at the last minute instead. An excellent decision! The Meatball Shop is probably one of our favorite casual places to go in the city, but it is so, so very inconvenient to get there via subway (+ lots of walking). They also look at babies (& pregnant women) like they are aliens, so we haven't had too many chances to go there lately.

The Desert Truck was a mere 10 minutes walk away, so we went for some bread pudding afterwards - the best bread pudding you've ever, ever had, promise. Tara gave me the Throwdown Cookbook for Christmas last year & it includes The Desert Truck's recipe, & I must make it very soon. Or maybe I should never make it. 

Afterwards, we came home & watched the Glee season finale, & then later Jill & I laughed so hard that I cried (in part because I tried on her new bra over my shirt only to realize that Sean was in the room & maybe that was a little awkward. Oh well! We're all good friends!).  

I've said it before & I'll say it again. Friends shouldn't be allowed to move away. 

Mike said, Make a serious face! I failed.

And then he did something silly.


erin said...

see! shaggier hair! i like it. is it shaggier or am i high? we'll never all be in the same place at the same time again, will we? i'm so depressed i could eat a vat of that bread pudding.

k. said...

E, you're not crazy. Hair cut (more layers?) + humidity. It makes my hair all sorts of crazy.

(PS, viva la Girls Trip 2011!!)

Jill said...

that was a good food night. and i'm pretty sure i need to invest in the throwdown cookbook. how did i not know that existed? and that bra story? it will never get old. makes me laugh every time.