May 17, 2011

Online shopping fail + a few random things.


So. We do a lot of online shopping around these parts. It's easy! Amazon Prime will show up in 48 hours, & orders oftentimes show up the same day. It's amazing (especially with a baby), & if I wanted to, I bet I could stay inside my apartment forever & ever. But! It's not foolproof, & my massive shopping fail last week was evident of this. Q's original Mr. Whoozit friend was thoroughly saturated in 8 months of saliva & in immediate need of a replacement, so instead of walking up to 86th Street & buying a new one, I ordered one! Who knew that Mr. Whoozit came in two sizes?! Oops.

(A smaller & more appropriately sized Mr. Whoozit has since been purchased. But the massive one? It's hilarious, & we're keeping it.)

My mom has been here since last Wednesday. We've had a thoroughly fabulous time, with lots of walking, shopping, playing & eating. She came with me to a haircut Thursday night (welcome back, bangs) & we ate a giant plate of vegetables at Westville afterwards (while sharing a nice bowl of macaroni & cheese, too). It was not only fun to be out past dark, but also to be in a place that was thoroughly not baby friendly, & with my mother! Friday night marked a momentous occasion - our first night away from Quinn. We celebrated our 6 year anniversary with dinner at Perilla in the West Village & a night at Le Parker Meridian (+ an early breakfast at Norma's). It was lovely! And terrifying. I have an extremely capable mother who successfully raised seven children, but leaving my son overnight for the veryveryfirsttime was scary & gave me a really funny feeling in my tummy. I cried when we went down the elevator, I cried when we got in the cab, & then I almost cried during dinner but managed to keep it together. Who knew it would be so hard?! It was really lovely to spend the time with just the two of us (+ my trusty breast pump), but we were so excited to see him again in the morning - back at our apartment where he was of course well fed + happy with Grandma. 

We've cooked, we've ordered in & we've eaten a ridiculous amount of Dave's Killer Bread (the best bread I've ever had in my entire life - & not available in New York!!). I took her to see Billy Elliot Saturday night (Happy Mother's Day!) & we really loved it. LOVED it. The songs are still in my head & the dancing was really just so fun. She's helped me clean & organize, filled our fridge with fruits & vegetables & has spent lots of time with Q while I've done very important things (like nap!). She helped me do a zillion loads of laundry yesterday morning before her flight was supposed to take off, only to get to the airport to find that her flight was cancelled. New York City is currently completely shrouded in fog, so we got her for at least one more day. Hooray! She lives too far away, so an extra day isn't ever a bad thing. Still, the walls in our tiny apartment were likely closing in on her a bit, so I promised her a delicious dinner & something fun.

The something fun translated into the 4 of us hopping into a rental car with Mike & heading to Sprinkles for some cupcake therapy, & then making an epic trip to Costco & Target where we purchased everything from shoes to baby gifts (Patrick & Kera are having a girl!) to goat cheese. It was an effort that required all three adults, but I'm so happy we did it. Costco & Target have revolutionized life in Manhattan, & knowing that I have enough paper towels to last me through the summer makes me feel good about life. We came home & made the very best dinner - probably the best I've made all year. Bless you, Jill Lloyd (this friend of mine passes along the very best recipes). See, Mom! It's not so bad being stuck (although the thunder + lightning this morning is making her have a very funny & slightly worried expression on her face).

Also! I just put Quinn down for a nap & made it all the way through his song without coughing! I've been sick for a month now (a month!) & am finally thinking that maybe I shouldn't just be euthanized after all.

It's going to rain EVERY SINGLE DAY for like the next year, seriously. The forecast is so depressing. See above paragraph on online shopping. Sigh.

*Post edit: Whoa. Am I on drugs? I just re-read this post & realized that I used like 17 different tenses in one paragraph. Judge away. I've never been an amazing writer.


Bri said...

It's raining here too. Actually, I just looked out the window and it's snowing. Gross.

The adventure that it is for you to get to Target and Costco makes me realize I should never take Target and Costco for granted.

Also, that recipe sounds ah-mazing.

Kera said...

i want to be stuck with you in NY for a week!!! pllleeeeaaasseee. minus my children.

Whitney said...

I am still dying over the (overly large) Mr. Whoozit. Too funny!

I'm so so happy that you have had such a busy but fun week! I can't wait to see all your photos, you do have photos right? :)

noelle said...

you're cute, k. and soooo busy (i'm sorry you've still got that lingering cough). this post made me feel sleepy from all the commotion and excitement you've got going on up there. also, i want that ginormous mr. whoozit super bad now. that thing is fantastic. q is so presh.

Jill said...

i thoroughly enjoyed this post.

1.having mom in town is always a good time i say.
2.i'm so happy billy elliot was a hit! maybe ill leave my family behind and go see it. love love that dinner! so glad you liked it too. get your freaking act together. you better not ruin my trip.

Missy said...

I need to take a look at that dinner, loving the endorsement by you and all the comments.

Fun to have your mom in town and doing such fun things and having a companion all day!!

Jill said...

I still order online so much, I'm so used to it from NY and we know our UPS guy by name. I *love* Dave's killer bread, I miss it, do you order that online?

It looks like Mr. Whoozit would win a wrestling match with Quinn for now, but it won't be long.

Sending love xo.

Meg said...

Mom visits are the very best.

audrey said...

how did moms make it in the city before online shopping??? seriously. you described it perfectly.

p.s. i love when you comment about grammar or writing or photo inadequacy... or any other perfectionist tendency. hilarious. partly bc i get it; i can be the same way. and not just bc i was an english major. just so you know, i love your writing.