May 15, 2011

Black & White Q.


Jill said...

I can't get over that first picture.

Tara Edwards said...

He looks a lot like Spencer as a baby with a mix of Hudson and a lot of Mike! So cute.

Jill said...

I love these. The contrast is so nice.

Whitney said...

Love the very top photo of him & the post below... oh my goodness! Melt me, I love them. His eyes are just too gorgeous. I credit that to his beautiful mama. :)

Jeanne said...

Stunning pictures! It's a whole new world of experience and photography with him sitting up so well now. So glad you can preserve these moments so beautifully.

noelle said...

still heartbroken we haven't met yet... :( he's so beautiful.

audrey said...

so so so beautiful.

maybe i'll come visit with just baby rothko, so these two little boys can hurry and make friends already. they're in the same school year : ) !!! fun.