May 11, 2011

This is a great day.

I feel like I'm saying SO BIG!! over & over again these days. Because he is (relatively speaking)! And this age - 8 months in just a few days - is the happiest so far, I think. We're in a good routine. Quinn & I are in a happy place together. Our days are full of lots of the mundane I suppose, but how could they actually be that when I'm this lucky to be his mama? Never boring, & we (almost) always have a great day together. And so, I will continue to be unapologetic about posting basically exclusively about Quinn, even if it means I have a boring blog. I don't care. This is my life! And I like it.

My mom is on an airplane right this very second coming to visit us. It's weekend #3 in a row of visitors for us (& we're only halfway through!), but we're happy with this. Lots of people that we're lucky to get to see because we don't get to see them very often. When we planned my mom's visit, it would have been almost 6 months since she had seen Quinn (that = too long). Insert a surprise trip to Spokane last month, & we're getting another good opportunity to make up for missed time. Washington is far, far away from New York, but we're making it work & I'm happy to have her here this weekend. We have big plans! A Broadway show, lots of yummy food, a night out celebrating our anniversary (sans baby + Grandma), & some time with friends. 

Meanwhile. Our days are simple. I haven't been venturing away from the Upper East Side very often (thanks to my foot that refuses to heal - how am I supposed to rest it when I live in Manhattan?), although we've been making it to the park quite a bit. We go on a lot of walks (refer to foot not healing), run errands & see friends. I'm trying to make good food on occasion (like this mascarpone pasta we had for dinner the other night), keep fresh fruits & vegetables in my fridge, & take at least a few photos of Q. If I accomplish a few of these things, it's been a great day.


Kera said...

he is getting so big & cuter by the day. you & mike should go on a trip and leave him here with us when you're done BF. :) the girls would have a hay day with little Q.

Katherine said...

He is getting so big. The saying "It is the small things in life" is so true. Have fun with your mom.

Missy said...

Hooray for a grandma (and free babysitter) visit! Does Q cry yet when you leave him with someone else?

Meg said...

I was just thinking looking at this row of pictures that he looks so big. He's looking less baby and more little boy every day.

Jennifer said...

Whoa. These photos are lovely. Isn't it crazy how drastically different a productive day is when you have a baby? I'd say completing three "tasks" a day is gold star deserving!