Jun 16, 2011


Hi, blog. Here's a few random things in no particular order, because my brain isn't doing order right now:

Mike turned in his work laptop when he resigned last week which means that there's a big giant game of laptop tug-of-war going on in the Whiting household. Let's hope our marriage remains intact before we move to Texas. This being said, Mike & Quinn are off to Soho to buy an iPad, because that's cheaper than a divorce attorney. 

I think I've cried about a dozen times this week because of the generous kindness of internet friends that I do not know. Happy tears! Mostly. The sad tears are in the morning when I wake up & look out our window out at the city. But the happy ones - I feel like Texas has reached all the way across the country & given my cold & calloused New York City heart a big, giant hug. I feel really blessed, & I'm so very grateful. Thank you, friends. I'm overwhelmed. And my real-life friends, of course: I love you, too. It's been really nice getting the phone calls & texts from you, especially those that I haven't heard from in such a long time (the reaction is typically the same - What?!?!), & especially fun to see that everyone knows someone in Texas.

We're flying down to Houston this weekend for the biggest shopping trip of our lives. I love to shop! I've just never shopped for anything with so many numbers, & it makes me feel funny (i.e. old).  Home shopping + car shopping is maybe the most adult thing we've had to do in our married life. It seems more complicated than even having a baby. It's all just crazy.

I'm stressed. Maybe that's an understatement. 

But last night! It was so fun. I went with friends Amy & Kristi Lynn to see How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. It was really, really wonderful - the best show I've seen in a long time, & so perfectly Broadway. It was so happy, & so much fun! I think I now understand how it feels to be Quinn, because afterwards, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Danielle Radcliffe - besides having a somewhat mediocre voice - was fabulous. Loved him so very much. 

What else? Oh yeah. Remember how we went to St. Thomas a few weeks ago? I haven't really even sorted through all of the photos yet (!!). And friend Erin was here last weekend & we had a really, really perfect time, & I haven't gone through any of those photos either. And my computer keeps yelling at me because I have like 25,000+ photos in my iPhoto, & I need to do some serious clearing out. I have friends to call back, my pile of laundry keeps getting bigger & bigger & I'm just kind of feeling behind on life right now. But this is temporary! And everything will be wonderful. In about 6 months, I just know that everything is going to be (more-or-less) okay. And I'll have a garbage disposal, a washer & dryer, & a great big closet (or 5)! Deep breaths!

Oh! Quinn has a tooth. Kind of. He's 9 months old today, & it just start poking through yesterday (which explains why he was such a cranky pants). A tooth! In celebration, we fed him spaghetti & pasta today. Q eats spaghetti! What?! 


Chanel said...

How CUTE is Quinn?!?! Adorable! (Even if he is a little "cranky pants" haha! Love it.)

Kathryn, you will do GREAT with both the home AND car shopping! You are such a smart cookie. I am forever impressed by your intelligence and common sense. Truly!

Please promise me that you'll always have links to your NYC Tour Guide, Recipe Box, etc.-- no matter where you live, ok? I'm terrible about commenting, but I love your blog for how insightful, resourceful, and entertaining it is! It's simply outstanding.

You are a brilliant photographer! Good luck getting all those photos sorted. Wow.

Finally, good luck with the laptop war! My husband was always "needing" my Mac, but now has an iPad-- hallelujah! Problem solved.

I wish you lots of luck and sanity and energy as you beginning packing and preparing for your move.


Kelsey said...

Woah! I feel overwhelmed just reading the post. That's one full plate. I have no doubt that you will be a pro at the house hunting/car shopping process. I can't wait to hear what you think when you get back! Congrats to Q on the tooth!

Jamie said...

Yes, sharing a laptop is not healthy for a marriage. The ipad should help...we were able to compute in peace :)

Erin said...

I so feel your "pain" I have had that unsettled overwhelmed feeling for well over a year now. But it will settle down, and you will have SO much fun house and car shopping. And then decorating!! When do you guys move exactly? Is it soon? very very exciting!! Good luck with it all!!

Jill said...

Yay for teeth! (I think). Hope he feels better too. Safe travels this weekend and I hope the housing/car searches go well & I can't wait to hear about it.

Missy said...

oh this picture is so cute. love the lighting.

house and car in one weekend. oh boy. good luck kathryn. you'll do great. and I can't wait to hear/see about it all!

Mandy Sue said...

Can I just say I love your blog!! I aspire to be a writer like you. Your posts always draw me in!! Have so much fun finding a home and car. Housing is fantastic in TX :) You are going to have so much space!!