Jun 17, 2011

His last day with a gummy smile.

I'm fairly certain that Q had just finished screaming bloody murder before I took these photos, so he's got this kind of happy / sad expression. Isn't it amazing how babies can make like one zillion different expressions in a period of like 7 seconds? I think so.

I think these are maybe the last toothless photos I've gotten of our first born, so I had to post them. It makes my heart a little bit sad.


Erin said...

look at all that hair! Its getting long. I remember when Car got his first tooth. I was sad. :) They grow up too fast... Have fun in Texas. Still can't believe the news.

noelle said...

sweet baby. can't wait to hug his little body tomorrow!! i hope he lets me hold him... on another note... happy shopping! this is, of course, the best kind of shopping.

erin said...

i love these pictures. and his hair. his gummy smiles were well documented, but it's still so sad when teething crashes the party.

audrey said...

so i just wrote you a long comment, but something happened to it. cyberspace is trying to keep me from rambling.

the most important thing i had said was that quinn is SO BEAUTIFUL. such a gorgeous little boy. love him already.