(I spy Mike, do you?)
I had dinner with some friends last night & put my head on the table & cried when talk of Texas (& a trend of people putting feathers in their hair - what?!) came up. Sigh. Maybe I was extra-emotional because Quinn screamed for about three hours before dinner, & you know what a screaming baby does to your brain (brain = fried). This morning - a tooth just starting to poke out on top. His third tooth in the past few weeks! Poor baby.
I drank four Diet Coke's yesterday. FOUR. Two when I was getting my hair done, three at dinner. Wait. That's five. Five!!! I think I quit, as of right... now. Seriously. Cross my heart & hope to die, I'm finished.
Friends Jamie & Meghan are in a cab on the way to my apartment right this very second. They're visiting the city from the south this weekend & I couldn't be more excited. Hooray!
Quinn, Mike & I ate lunch this afternoon with friend Scott at the Biyrani Cart in midtown. Kati rolls. Yum! I love Indian food & am hoping that a (somewhat) significant Indian population in Houston means decent Indian food (Mike just reminded me that we grabbed takeout from a good place while we were there the other week - so there is hope). On the same block - halal food, fresh lobster, falafel & an assortment of other street cart vendors.
I'm going to miss New York City food. Let's talk about something else.
We leave for our trip on Monday! We're gone for two weeks, & then come back for a week. Mike will zip down to Houston for the final inspection on our home, & then we'll take off to Priest Lake for a week. And then we'll be back in New York for a week. And then movers come & pack up all of our earthly possessions, & then we'll be in Hilton Head for a week.
And then we have one-way tickets to Houston.
Excuse me if I'm a complete emotional disaster for the next... year. And in the meantime - I just kind of feel like I want to throw up.
Also (& very unrelated): I was getting my hair colored yesterday. The woman doing it told me that she had a 7 month old boy, & the woman in the chair next to us jumped in & said that she had 8 month old twins. Boys! So all of a sudden, we found ourselves in an hour-long conversation about babies, sleep deprivation, relationships with grandparents, the random + often inappropriate things that people say on the street to mothers, our changing bodies, breastfeeding, teething, all the fun tricks our babies do & really, just how much we love being mamas. And I came away feeling a really strong sense of camaraderie with the other young mothers that I know & the strikingly similar experiences & challenges that we have. I was also reminded of the advice that a lovely friend told me early on: you are the mother & you know best. I've decided over & over again lately that this is my mantra as a mother. In my moments of self doubt, or at times when I am challenged, I just remember that no one else is Quinn's mother. I am. I know best. And if I trust myself, he'll be just fine.
Lots of random things for today, but such is life this summer.
Also (& very unrelated): I was getting my hair colored yesterday. The woman doing it told me that she had a 7 month old boy, & the woman in the chair next to us jumped in & said that she had 8 month old twins. Boys! So all of a sudden, we found ourselves in an hour-long conversation about babies, sleep deprivation, relationships with grandparents, the random + often inappropriate things that people say on the street to mothers, our changing bodies, breastfeeding, teething, all the fun tricks our babies do & really, just how much we love being mamas. And I came away feeling a really strong sense of camaraderie with the other young mothers that I know & the strikingly similar experiences & challenges that we have. I was also reminded of the advice that a lovely friend told me early on: you are the mother & you know best. I've decided over & over again lately that this is my mantra as a mother. In my moments of self doubt, or at times when I am challenged, I just remember that no one else is Quinn's mother. I am. I know best. And if I trust myself, he'll be just fine.
Lots of random things for today, but such is life this summer.
(Post edit: Suzi just called to tell me that gingham is my new stripes. I obviously can't think outside of the box with my clothing choices. Sigh.)
It's times like this I wish i could hold you in my arms like when you were a precious little baby, and just tell you that you are loved, you are strong, and wonderful things lie ahead for you. I would also tell you that I remember well having those exact same feelings not too many years ago when we made our big move to Washington. The adjustment was slow, but it DID happen, and I'm where I was able to grow into who I am now.....It will all work out......
i love your mother. she is very wise.
matt told me about the feathers in the hair trend. he thinks it's cool... an extension of the feather earrings. this is why when he tells me my outfit looks whack, i don't listen.
love you. i'm coming to houston often. maybe too often.
i might be a little emotional for you right now. might be having a bit of a moment for myself, too. ay. change is hard. :( i'll be excited when you come. and we'll be there for q's first birthday, of course. enjoy these last few weeks... hugs, hugs.
I am so excited for your trip to Europe! Where in Switzerland are you going? I love, love, love it there. Never been to Italy (someday!) but in my heart I know I love it there too (my degree in art history may have something to do with it). Good luck!
Oh man, the feathers in the hair is all over here too and I think it is lame. Luckily my girls don't notice or care at this point so I don't have to give into strange "trends"
I really do loving making that connection with women where you feel like you just made two new best friends even though you may never see them again?
That alone shows that you will be ok. Change is hard though. I get it.
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