Aug 12, 2011


Quinn is really loving his new piano. I just wish it had the tone of a Steinway vs. a Melissa & Doug. 

He is the sweetest boy. He waves goodbye, loves to give his mama nose kisses, is perfectly happy when we cuddle & read books, & just might skip crawling & go straight to walking (although he's nowhere close to either right now - I'm not worried). He smiles each time I read the opening lines to Moo Baa La La La. He's hyper-aware of his surroundings, gives smiles easily & crosses his ankles when he's in the stroller. I think he looks a lot like me - & a lot like Mike (how does that happen?). He's definitely spirited like I am, but someday it will serve him well. He's 11 months next week, which is almost one (!!), & I just can't believe much of what is going on right now in my life - let alone my baby boy growing up so quickly.

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