Aug 17, 2011

Q dipped his toes in the ocean.

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 

(after he'd eaten his breakfast on the beach.) 


Kera said...

very sweet.

Jan said...

Let me be the first to say that was darling!

Jan said...

Or maybe the second......

Unknown said...

that was happy. so much love. you three are lucky.

Jill said...

I just fell in love with your little family again. So sweet, and what a perfect morning.

Jill said...

loved this!

erin said...

are you eating?! or is the stress eating you??

exceptionally heartwarming... love it. and the choice of music is spot on. more, more!

Missy said...

well, that was adorable.

Mandy Sue said...

such a precious video.

what program do you use to make your videos? you do such a great job.

Katherine said...

Love this video.

Lindsey said...

love this. you guys are the cutest family.

k. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
k. said...

Mandy, I just use iMovie - & clearly have no idea how to use it (which is why my videos are so short & simple!).