Sep 14, 2011


I will happily be that mother who posts videos of her child's seemingly minuscule accomplishments. Because you know what? They're huge to us! Huge! Our little boy is turning one this week, & I might just have a panic attack because it's all going by so quickly. The experience of watching your own child grow & develop is absolutely indescribable & we promise to always be his biggest cheerleaders. Watching him learn new tricks make us so, so very proud! And really, we've never been happier than we have since Quinn joined in on our fun.

I've mentioned before that he's obsessed with all things electronic, especially if they have cords. He especially loves the remote & my external hard drives & this little clip shows just how strong his determination is.

This was a few weeks ago, & until that point, Q hadn't had a lot of opportunities to practice! He spent so much of his summer in his carrier or a car seat, & up until recently has generally been content just sitting & observing (which I'm fine with, by the way - little babes reach milestones at such different times, & we're not out to win any he-did-it-first awards). He doesn't crawl often, & while he'd obviously really love to walk, he's still working in it. But! He has learned so quickly how to cruise around with the furniture, & this day marked a huge accomplishment for him. And now! He has tons of confidence to move around & is speedily moving around the couches. Seriously. Just look at his expressions. They kill me.

I'm so proud of him!

Also evident: His fiery personality & his new ability to shriek. Ouch.


ellen said...

he. got. what. he. wanted.

Aaron + Kayti said...

oh me, oh my he is so darling. you should relish in each and every little accomplishment & they are huge! i cheer for our nugget in everything he does.

noelle said...

i totally teared up. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?! he wanted it so badly, and his hesitant/incredulous face when he figured out he could take baby steps toward the desired object... too much. it's too. freaking. much!

Missy said...

this might be the best one I have seen! he was so determined. wanting it so bad and finally it was quiet...and then he shrieked one last time before going for it. so so great, yes the expressions!

erin said...

the fists of rage and the angry dimple. he and indie are cut from the same cloth.

i loved the short sighs of "heh! i did it!" as he rounded the corner and reached the external hard drive. his face is priceless.

mb said...

that was hysterical! His expressions truly are awesome.

Heidi said...

That boy has focus! Good job Quinn.

Jill said...

Just give him the damn hard drive, Kathryn! That dimple kills me every time. Love you, Quinn.

Jennifer said...

Best thing I've seen all week. So, so great. I loved how he peered around to see what he was up against.

Heidi said...

Ahhh... Quinn is too cute. I just love reading your blog.