Oct 27, 2011

Grandpa comes to visit.

When we lived in New York, my dad would come to visit us any time he was east of the Mississippi, because he was in the neighborhood. I love him for this, & love that moving to Texas hasn't changed this at all. Work brought him to Texas this week (Dallas), so he's sandwiching his professional obligations with time with us in Houston. And tomorrow night - we'll see him in Dallas for the BYU / TCU football game. Hooray! 

Quinn's smile was so big when he saw & recognized Grandpa this morning, & I they got extra time to play together while I went to the doctor. This afternoon, we ate Mexican food, played at the playground (Grandpa pushed him way too high in the swing, & of course Q just laughed & laughed), practiced walking, & took advantage of having a helping hand around the house (e.g. hanging up a gigantic canvas upstairs - we got it right the first time, phew!). I really like having my dad here. 



Meg said...

Oh my goodness, his little hand on Grandpa's leg? So sweet.

Lindsey said...

i love that your dad makes visiting a priority. how fun for you and q to have that time with him. i want to see this giant canvas now...

erin said...

what lens is this? your 24-70? it's great. and so is your padre.

Missy said...

Our last home had a park similar to this that close to our home and it was AMAZING. Loved it. The best thing to do after naps before dinner. Especially warm summer nights. Q is too much with those teeth. Darling.