Oct 27, 2011

We have a chair.

Our couch is getting returned, the new couch won't be here until basically 2012, & our first bed arrived broken so we basically have to wait until the trees finish growing so that they can chop them down & build us a replacement. Most of the rooms in my house are still mostly empty. But! My chair arrived today. In one perfect piece. And I love it. And so does Quinn! He cruised around it approximately 67 times today & really wants to eat all of the buttons for breakfast, lunch & dinner (they are firmly attached). This makes me happy. 

Also happy: me on my couch, with the TV on & a pint of Haagen Dazs Peanut Butter + Chocolate ice cream in my freezer. If only Mike's airplane could fly faster tonight.

Also happy / sad: The weatherman on the news tonight described the cold front that is hitting our area right now. Today - it was like 75 degrees & raining. GASP! I bought a really beautiful coat in Las Vegas & I'm just really wanting to wear it often. I think I need to move to Nebraska.


Lindsey said...

That is a beautiful chair! eating ice cream while watching tv, that sounds like a good night.

Heidi said...

How about Minnesota? Guaranteed white Christmas and plenty of coat wearing time ;-)

Fun chair, I like the colorful buttons.

Your playground below looks fun, Quinn is going to go crazy for climbing as he gets more mobile.

Melissa said...

I want this chair! Where it is from/

Tara said...

It's a really beautiful chair! I can see why it needed to live with you.

erin said...

best piece of furniture yet. i can't wait to park my cheeks in it.

Scott and Elly said...

Loving the new chair and all things tufted!

Missy said...

Love it. Love Q's face in it too. Clearly he approves!

Jennifer said...

Yeah, that chair...I'm pretty sure I couldn't replicate it if I tried. And, I might.