Oct 18, 2011

The past few days.

Hi, blog. You're a little overwhelming to me lately. I'm liking your friend Instagram more these days. Easy, breezy. 

Mike is basically gone all week, every week. It's our new normal. Really, I kind of don't love it very much at all - but we're grateful for Mike's job, for our home, for literally perfect fall weather in Texas (that feels like perfect summer weather anywhere else) etc. etc. Blah blah blah blah. I can be really grateful for a lot of things, but it doesn't change the fact that Q & I are still alone most of the week, every week. We still have about 2.7 friends in Texas (that's not very many). I won't pretend that it's easy, but we're doing okay. We fill our time up doing projects at home, going to the pool (the pool! in October!), having mama + son lunch dates, swinging at the park, making giant messes with toys in the living room & killing various insects. Sometimes I feel like I'm going totally bananas. Most of the time, I'm fine.

Thursday nights are the very best night, because Mike gets home. Hooray! The photo below, on the couch - Q was just SO happy to see his dad. So happy. 

Saturday - we went into Houston & went to the most fabulous 1st birthday party you've ever seen. If I ever get my act together (doubtful), I will post photos. A mariachi band, a taco truck (!!), bouncy castles, a giant piñata, The Burtons in from Dallas... the Ons know how to throw a party. It was a happy evening, & we drove home with the windows down & the sunroof open. 

Mike is gone again this week. In New York! Oh New York, I miss you (& I'm booking a ticket to come see you ASAP). And then we're going to high five at the airport, I'm heading away for a few days (without a baby!), & then we'll see each other for a few blessed hours Sunday night before Mike takes off again Monday morning. Someone say hi to my husband for me when you see him next.

I was talking to my sister Tara yesterday about how life just won't slow down. It just doesn't, & it won't, & while I keep waiting for that pause, it will just never come. And our next few weeks! This weekend, I'm away, next weekend we're in Dallas (BYU football), the weekend after we're taking advantage of a client meeting Mike has in Salt Lake City & staying in Utah for a long weekend to see family & friends who live there, & the weekend after we'll have my dad in town. Two weeks later, we'll have a house full of Whitings for Thanksgiving. Busy!

I promise I brush Quinn's hair. Most days. But he always wakes up from his naps looking like a peacock.

Also: I obviously really, really need a haircut. I scheduled one. In Utah. Does no one in Texas get haircuts from someone they love? Apparently not.

Also, Q's favorite new accessory is his fancy new suspenders. Nerd alert!


Katherine said...

I know how you feel about being a weekday single mom! Eric is gone Monday-Thursday or Friday every week as well.
Also know the no friends feeling. I am going on a blind playdate on Thursday from a girl I meet on a mothers website... a little nervouse. Hang in there & enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

Where do you get your hair cut in Utah? I'm in the same boat you are in Texas- hair cutter, brow waxer and dentist are still on my to-find list.

Sounds like you have a lot coming up to look forward to though. I'm on the hunt for your kind of weather this weekend. You're lucky.

Heidi said...

Bed head is the best!

Will this always be Mike's schedule- traveling during the week and home on weekends?

noelle said...

i'm tired for you, friend. i always comfort myself with the notion that i'm not really a single mom...mike is lucky to have a loving, supportive wife. you're probably not sending him scathing emails about coming home to find...i typed something awful just then and it seemed too awful to leave, so i deleted it. you're better than me. we'll leave it at that. but if you do get a chance to come down tomorrow, let's go eat something yummy and look at/buy pretty things. also, you didn't tell me you were leaving SANS baby this weekend!!

Missy said...

I know that schedule all to well. It stinks.

Leaving this weekend? Fun! To NYC?

(Is the couch pictured the one you are returning or a different one? We just narrowed our search down..)

Color blue suits you perfectly K.

k. said...

Heidi, it will be for the next few months, probably. Then hopefully it slows down a tiny bit. Hopefully.

Missy - that's the couch (from West Elm) that we're returning. SO uncomfortable. We've ordered a new one, but it will take 10-12 weeks. Ugh.

Whitney said...

I keep telling myself, Life will slow down, life will slow down. But you know what... it doesn't! I actually think it just gets busier & busier. So I am learning to find peace & happiness somewhere in the mix of it.

I think instagram is my favorite form of social networking. So quick & simple. I love it!

Heather said...

I think our lives are somewhat paralleled. Husband gone all day, every day. Liking instagramming more than blogging, grateful for what we have, making messes, etc. :)

Quinn is darling, by the way!

Louise said...

I love all your photos (your family room is beautiful, you are doing such a great job with the interior decor, uncomfortable couches asides!) but this last one is a treasure! I love it - where did you get your dress? And his suspenders? Fabulous!

huebscher said...

I have a fantastic stylist (my friends have one by one left their stylists to join the fold) ... in austin (corrine at jackson ruiz). it would give you a reason for crossing-off a few more food trailers every 6-8 weeks!