Nov 3, 2011

I turned almost 30.

My dad took the photo on the right on my birthday before we headed out the door for church. While we look slightly awkward & maybe like we don't love each other very much, he insisted on the spacing so that the skeleton could be seen. He thought it was hilarious! A skeleton in our family photo! Funny, Dad. :)  

I turned 29 on Sunday. That's almost thirty, but not quite - which meant that it was a reasonably mellow birthday without much fanfare (or unnecessary angst about growing old). Mike made me breakfast after letting me sleep in (which I suppose is fanfare - & quite welcomed, of course), & my dad was in town, so I was really just pleased to get to be with the very favorite males in my life. I loved hearing from my friends & family & it warmed my heart that people took the time to send sweet gifts, to call, email & text, all while saying nice things about me. It's always a happy thing to know that people are thinking of you (even if Facebook sometimes serves as a reminder). And my Texas friends! I feel like I whine a lot about being isolated & lonely, but there really are a few sweet girls who have made my life happier. Friend Natalie delivered a surprise treat the night of my birthday (which of course I ate for breakfast the next morning, hooray!) & Noelle brought over the prettiest orchid you've ever seen on Monday. I'm grateful for these sweet friends, & I'm certain I'd be far more of a total mess than I already am were it not for their generous extensions of friendship.   

I like my life right now. I'm happy with almost-thirty. Despite the fact that I told a group of teenage trick-or-treaters to Be good! as they walked away from our door (I'm so old!! Pass the eye cream, please), I like where my where my life is, I love my family & 28 to 29 was full of a zillion adventures! More to come this year too, I think - which means that 30 will be happy as well.


Missy said...

Your dad (the skeleton family photo) is making me laugh. Love how happy Q looks (and just how much he suddenly looks like Mike here?)

Happiest day to you. I am 30 in a couple weeks and can't shake the angst. 29 is too good of an age;)

Heidi said...

Sleeping in is the best gift of all!

Happy 29th

noelle said...

next time you will not be buying the pie or paying the tip on your own birthday just because your lunch date friend is an ignoramus. you are not a good listener, kathryn whiting!!

[eeny] said...

Happy belated birthday, Kathryn.
The family picture is darling.

Natalie said...

So glad I could provide you with a nutritious breakfast:) Love the picture of Q "yelling" at you. We. Must. Play. Soon. Call me when you return from the arctic..

erin said...

let's start planning october 30, 2012.