Nov 5, 2011

Memory Grove Park.

I like that there are so many people to see in Utah when we come to visit (I don't like that we never get to see all of the people that we'd like to).

My sister Joanna works at the Utah State Capital. When we went up to Memory Grove Park with Mike's cousin Chris on Friday, Joanna met us for a quick walk through the park + some impromptu photos in the leaves.

I love leaves!

So does Q. Clearly.

(Joanna is 20-ish weeks pregnant with her first baby - a girl! Happy!)


Jan said...

Beautiful pictures of some of my favorite people!!

erin said...

well those are darling. quinn's dimples could bring world peace. i'm glad the coat made the trip to utah.

Missy said...

There are SO many leaves! I haven't seen that many in years and years.

Q is so so happy. (And your sister is twins with your mom?) What a cute family you have Kathryn.

Meg said...

Love Q in the leaves!

Where oh where is your gold jacket from? (I'm obsessed w/ anything gold that could be worn at a tailgate. It's a problem.)

k. said...

Miss M, it's from Anthropologie (just bought it a few weeks ago!).