Nov 11, 2011

We went to Utah for a few days.

* visited with Grandmas (in Provo & Mapelton), cousins, siblings & not-nearly-enough friends * loved the leaves & brisk fall air * tried out some favorite new-to-us spots in Provo (Mountain West Burrito & Station 22) & SLC (The Copper Onion & Blue Lemon were favorites) * ate the best pastry of my life at Les Madelines * had a happy, well rested traveling toddler * pleased as punch to have my hair cut + colored again by Patrick @ Shep Studio * so happy to see my pregnant sisters (one of whom is a little bit confined to her bed...) & nephews and my dad (for the 2nd weekend in a row - & he's in Houston again this weekend!) * heart got warm + fuzzy seeing lovebirds Kylie & Dave (especially because I maybe had just a little something to do with them being them - not that I'm boasting, but I do generally think that I know everything & it's nice to be proven right every so often) * remembered how spectacular the mountains in Utah really are * came back to Houston far too quickly, & stepped off the plane feeling like we live in Hawaii *

A general assortment of photos! Because maybe they speak more than I feel capable of right now.


Missy said...

Such great photos. Looks like a perfect trip!

erin said...

beautiful pictures. the hands? favorite. and your hair is tres chic.

Luke{and}Dana said...

Your little boy is absolutely precious! Too cute for words!

I saw these books & thought of you ...

Lindsey said...

Sounds like a great trip! I really want to try those les madelines pastries now! your hair looks so pretty!

k. said...

Dana, thank you! I really love those books! We picked up the New York one before Q was born, & he got the Texas one for his 1st birthday. Once he stops eating his books I'm sure he'll love them. :)

(PS, isn't House 8810 the greatest site??)

Luke{and}Dana said...

I should have known you already had those books!! :)

And yes, that website has such fun stuff! I am currently wanting to get my friend the baby dumbbell rattle!

Kylie Whiting said...

what a happy weekend. come back please.