Dec 20, 2011


If home is where your heart is, then a little piece of home will always be New York City (as if this was not already obvious after our 6+ years there).

I just got back from spending a few days in the city, & it was good for my soul. Good friends, good food, city sounds & Christmas! It was wonderful & happy & I'm so glad that I got to go (sans baby & husband).

I had a really fascinating Muslim cab driver on my way to the airport last night. He asked how long I was going to be away from home & I said, It's complicated! I don't feel like I know where home is right now! I told him a quick version of the last 6 months of our lives & he gave me good + wise advice - Be happy where you are! You had your time here, now enjoy your time there! 

(Then, we had a really interesting conversation about what it means to follow Islam & what it means to be a Mormon - & once again I realized that we're all more alike than we are different.)

So tonight, I am feeling content & happy. Happy to be home with Mike & Quinn, happy that we have a comfortable home, happy that it was 68˚ when I landed at 1:30am last night & happy that I ran a bunch of errands this afternoon & was able to throw everything in the back of my car along the way. I'm also feeling especially happy & grateful that a quick plane trip + a cab ride puts me right back amongst the people that I know & love. Being with things & people that are familiar is such a wonderful feeling. 

I love my New York family, & I love my city. Thanks for such a fun few days, friends.


Mindi said...

oh, those wise taxi cab drivers.. :)

so fun to see you! I have many of the same feelings as you. Love where I am, love where I have been... good advice. new york city will always feel like home to me.

gavin told me today that he wants us to "stay in New York". Guess it feels like home to him too! :)

take care. Happy Holidays Whitings!

huebscher said...

so funny -- I was in nyc over the weekend, too! (hope you kept one long coat.)

erin said...

the cab driver who took me to my last doctor's appointment while pregnant with indie (hours before she was born) talked about how the end of the world was coming soon, and how women are so much better than men, and a lot of other random and interesting tidbits. sounds like your cab driver was a bit more sane (and sage) than mine.