Dec 5, 2011


I have a claw mark down my chest from when Q got a little excited to see me the other day (& his nails had gotten a little too long), I smashed my finger in between two dishes in a freak unloading-the-dishwasher accident yesterday resulting in a really painful blood blister, I cut my hand open making dinner the other night, & my left arm is still recovering from 3rd degree burns from soup.

Quinn ran directly into a closed door today & has the bruise on his forehead to prove it, & then face planted into a sharp corner just a few minutes later. I picked him up with blood covering his face from his nose to his chin. I didn't panic, but I was scared (Mike is traveling, amongst other things). He's fine, but it took an hour or so for him to get that way (no stitches required, just a lot of ice & cuddling with mama). We're both just kind of a mess. When I was at a doctor's appointment several weeks ago, I showed her some unusual bruising that I had & her response was, You have a toddler! Of course.

So. Other than that, we're doing great!

Random photos from the last week, just because I like them.

Post-church yesterday. So dapper! And with a gingerbread cookie. From the dough you can buy at Costco (in the refrigerator section). Oh my goodness, they're amazing. I had four for lunch today. Four!!

When Q is getting ready for his bath I always say, Naked Baby!!! in a extra high-pitched & excited voice. And he always squeals & giggles. It's my favorite, right up there with singing made-up songs about his belly button.

Seriously, mama? Again? (I really don't love captions under photos - especially when they're made up ones of a infant / non-speaking child apparently saying something. This is hard for me.)

Walking (!!) through the Northshore Park the other day & looking at the ducks. And those sneakers? They're the very first Baby Boy purchase I made.


Playing with his (i.e. my old) Little People.

He is what you call a spirited child.

Sunday, Sunday. He looks 27 in this photo. 

Monday is change the sheets day.


I had to use command strips on the bottom frames, because of course Q thought that it was the most fun game ever to pull them off the wall.


Heidi said...

When you first posted about that wall of photos I immediately thought of Q pulling them off. And dapper is the exact right word to describe in that top photo. A total southern gentleman!

Sorry to hear about all the injuries. My kids refuse to be iced, Q must know it is for the better.

Jill said...

I'm glad you are both alive. Your past few days sound rough.

Can I come by and stare at your picture collage? It makes me happy. I'm proud of you.

Jan said...

That wall is seriously impressive! Holy cow! How in the world did you make that happen?

Louise said...

I LOVE that wall!!!! Oh my gosh - SPECTACULAR!! I'm 'pinning' it... Sorry about his and your injuries.

LL said...

Hi Kathryn. Love your blog. LOVE the photo wall. But, I'm quite concerned about this third degree burn you have suffered. Are you having it treated? Will it require a skin graft?

erin said...

quinn's wearing a hoodie! hoodies are such "big boy" clothes, and he's killing it. so, so cute.

please teach me how to master my camera. these pictures are so pretty.

Whitney said...

I feel as if I have 100 things to say...

1. You look so, so skinny.
2. These photos are just kind of, really amazing.
3. Your wall collage... no words. It's incredible!
4. You are far less of a mess than me. Rest assured.
5. I am going to Costco this afternoon to pick up gingerbread dough.