I made Q the best breakfast burrito you've ever had this morning. A fresh tortilla, eggs, cheese, lots of cilantro, black beans, avocado & yummy salsa. For the 2nd day in a row! A true act of pure + delicious motherly love. Except today - my sweet little boy picked out all of the black beans to eat. And threw everything else on the floor.
A lovely little hint as to how the rest of our day would go.
Q & I went to the first day of our new music class at 9:30. Of course, he had a full-blown panic attack as soon as we walked in the doors (lots of kids = we must be at the gym, & mama is leaving me!!). After five minutes of alligator tears & hysterical crying, he finally calmed down enough for us to sing the hello song with the rest of the group. Of course, he clung to me for the next hour - refusing to get out of my lap, & often climbing up onto my shoulder & throwing his arms around my neck, squeezing so that I couldn't possibly let him go. Every so often he'd turn around, participate in the song while laughing or smiling for a second, & then burrow his head into my shoulder again.
The best part was when the teacher suggested that maybe another class would be better for us! And then said a bunch of very polite things intermixed with psychobabble, while essentially (gently) insinuating that I really need to make more friends & get out more often.
The trend with Quinn's mood continued for the rest of the day. Lots tears, lots of slobber, lots of requested (read: demanded) hugs from mama, & a too-short afternoon nap. I finally put him in the car & we did laps around Target for an hour, while simultaneously finding lots of things we didn't need (I should have opted for laps around Anthropologie, although that would have been a much more damaging situation). The highlight of that outing was when he decided that I absolutely, positively was not allowed to touch the cart that he was sitting in any more. He'd slap my hands away & shriek each time I tried to push, getting progressively angry with my interference. I finally just held onto the sides, my hands hidden from view by his cart cover. Geesh.
We ended the day with a few extra stories & an early bedtime. We were both spent, & I've been recovering with some time on the couch under a blanket & the remote control in my right hand.
Also: I should mention that of course I blame teething. His poor gums are a total land mine. I hate teeth. Hate them! Still! I realized the other day that when we came down to Houston in June to look for homes, Q was getting his first tooth! Now - he has 7 up front, & lots of molars at various stages in the back. Given the spirited boy that he is, it is always an event when something major is happening in his mouth.
(And now, I'm having all of these feelings of nostalgia, looking back through those first Texas posts - I still can't really believe everything that we did, in the amount of time that we did, or how small Q was - & I'm extra grateful all over again for all of the people who were so very kind to us, via email, blog comments, phone calls, etc. And shoot, I just blew a half-hour reading my very own blog.)
Last week! Q was the happiest boy. He really likes Dallas, & we had a busy + fun couple of days. I got my hair cut, we ate yummy food (favorite: late-night sushi), went on walks, laughed super-duper hard & enjoyed co-parenting three toddlers while the husbands were off fighting dragons. On our last day, we teamed up on Q so that he'd let me cut his hair. He no longer looks homeless, hooray!

Okay, seriously - these shopping carts?! I almost died. They're massive, absolutely ridiculous, & virtually impossible to steer. Q was in Heaven, of course.

I thought about editing out his pretty bruise, but it's true to life. Although much, much smaller than when it happened (I just about called 911) - a terrible encounter with the corner of our (swinging) floor mirror. This past Sunday, he fell again & got another goose egg - on top of his goose egg! Poor boy can't catch a break.

I'm sad that these are blurry, but look at his hair! Makes me giggle every time.

Erin provided an endless stream of treats & toys, & we successfully gave Q a little trim.

Quinn looks SO very happy in the cart with Indie. So sorry to hear about your food travails with him - it's not easy! I'll send you a list of foods we've had success with, though it varies day today. I'm loving your wavy hair. I have hair envy, I'm at the nearly bald point. ick.
the sounds of your day kind of make me want to crawl under a blanket and stay there for as long as possible. no bueno. so sorry.
indie could probably pick locks with her pointy tongue. it's almost reptilian. scary.
come back tomorrow?
I cannot believe how big he is now, all those teeth! Oh boy, what a cutie.
Just this week I had my own anxiety attack that I wasn't doing a good enough job at taking my son Gavin out on play dates & on more errands because he was a nightmare at the fabric store and when I attempted to take him to story time at the library. Then I got home and my friend had sent me this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glennon-melton/dont-carpe-diem_b_1206346.html?ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false
And of course the next morning I saw that he had begun to get his two year molars and perhaps I'm in for a rough week, but then it will get better. it always does.
This teething business sounds like a complete nightmare. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry! You are doing a great job handling yourself, especially husbandless. I would be a complete wreck, I'm sure of it.
That video below is too sweet! Glad you got to get away for a minute.
Every time I read your blog it makes me want to go by a fancy camera and really learn how to use it. You take such lovely pics!
i can't believe you successfully cut his hair!! him, a squirmy toddler! you're amazing!!!!
and i just love your pix and posts : )
{this is audrey by the way, too lazy to sign out of andy's.}
PRECIOUS pics of momma and Q!!!
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