We drove down to The Heights on Friday morning. Q quietly read his book while I tried my best to avoid dying while being sandwiched between two semi trucks at 80 MPH. I'm turning into an old & fearful woman & really, really hate driving on I-45 during rush hour.
I went to Noelle's Body Combat class again. This woman is serious! Did I ever tell you about the first time I went? Her class is like a spiritual revival... but with exercise. I wanted to scream Hallelujah! but instead I found myself grinning like a total idiot in the middle of the class (while concurrently sweating buckets) & thought, Why am I smiling so big! This hurts! I won't be able to pick up my son tomorrow! She's amazing, & positive & motivating, & her class is worth the drive, especially when there are promises of Lola's afterwards (which thoroughly negates the effort of making it through said class, & then some - I am destined to never be thin, oh well!).
Q & EZ tagged along, of course. They threw food at each other + the floor, didn't eat any veggies (Q), & were super jealous of the chocolate malt that Noelle & I appropriately shared. Happy times! I'm not sure there are many things sweeter than seeing two little friends so happy in having some like-sized & like-minded company.
The Ons make living in Houston much, much happier.
The Ons make living in Houston much, much happier.

I wish I had a pic of you jab-crossing your heart out in your blue striped lululemon tank. I hate missing photo ops! So sorry about my baby flinging food in your face, btw. We will work on our table manners for next time. Yikes!
first of all, you described noelle and her classes perfectly. she's such a teacher, isn't she?? and i know that SAME feeling of grinning in the middle of a burn, that hallelujah feeling. hormones and adrenaline for ya.
and second, those boys!!!! i cannot wait to see them!! soon soon soon. in 22 days : )
{this is audrey}
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