My favorite recent photo of Q. And by recent, of course I mean in like the past 4 days. He will sit there & flip through books for hours & hours minutes & minutes. I love it.
It's totally fine that Q basically got kicked out of his Kindermusik class today (we're transferring to another on Friday). I mean, I didn't blame him at all for gripping tightly to my neck the ENTIRE CLASS (again). Some of the kids in his class? Total weirdos.
Also - Q & I got to hang out from 1-5am this morning. It was super fun!! I was so tired I cried, & vowed to never, ever have another newborn, because how did I ever survive?! Meanwhile, we rocked & sang & cuddled & screamed (Q) & finally slept. Not our best night. This afternoon - he's a slobbery + snotty mess, burning up (101.7˚ last time I checked), wouldn't even touch his Chick-fil-A (I haven't been since Christmas - don't judge me) & is currently on hour 3 of his nap. Sad boy.
I should be napping. Obviously. Instead I decided that I had to be crafty for today (I am not crafty) & pinned 200 buttons onto a styrofoam ball - & then attached a ribbon to the top. You know, a Christmas tree ornament. In January. Because there's nothing else I should be doing (this is not true), & I think the advice - to sleep when the baby sleeps - is really just mostly impossible, & the kind of thing that well-intentioned women who are far removed from having newborns say. I mean, of course I should! But when will I do laundry, prep for dinner, organize my underwear drawer, shower & respond to emails I received 5 days ago? Not to mention do the simple & small things that make me feel like a regular human being (like peeing alone, without a sweet little boy trying to dive into the toilet). Obviously I can manage a toddler while being productive, but I don't want to be a mama who is managing a sweet little human being.
So I don't take naps very often - & accept that I will be exhausted until at least 2030 (!! - & also flying around in my own little personal hovercraft).
More thoroughly unrelated photos - because I really, really love Quinn. Life is one thousand times, no, one bazillion times better since the day he arrived. I'm just a little bit more sleepy.
So I don't take naps very often - & accept that I will be exhausted until at least 2030 (!! - & also flying around in my own little personal hovercraft).
More thoroughly unrelated photos - because I really, really love Quinn. Life is one thousand times, no, one bazillion times better since the day he arrived. I'm just a little bit more sleepy.

Love this new balance shoes! Darling. Boy clothes are so much fun.
Your comments on not napping are making me laugh - SO TRUE - last night when all were sleeping I stayed up an hour later just to have a little me-myself time to get things done. I really wish I was one of those people that could function well on 3 hours of sleep. But for now I'll just be okay with leaving the laundry in baskets for an extra day. I hope Quinn feels better! He is one cute boy.
Have I told you that I love your picture wall? I do. Oh and I want to see your button ornament too!
Your little boy has some serious style:) He is so very cute- sleep deprived and all! Must. Play. Soon.
Davis has had a high fever and cold the last few days. Throw in some night terrors (due to the fever) on top of that and I feel your pain!
I'm sorry. :( Here's to hoping you get sleep tonight!
he's sick?!
tell that kindermusic woman to go fly a kite. quinn doesn't need those future-drama-club kids anyway.
i think getting kicked out of kindermusik is kind of a compliment, of sorts. and i love his little ramones t-shirt. such a cutie.
Hey, who is that teenager in the jeans and Ramones tshirt?
Ya'll got kicked out of Kindermusik? That's probably the best thing I've heard today. Those snobs.
He looks so sophisticated on that chair reading!
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