I ran 6 miles this morning. The last race I trained for was the Nike Women's Half Marathon. In 2007. Four years ago! Today, I was grateful that I still have 7 or so weeks until my next half, that Texas in not quite as hilly as that race was (I still have nightmares) & also that we live in such a beautiful place. The Woodlands is full of paved running trails (190 miles of them), & while I've done a poor job exploring them up until this point, I am determined to change that. This morning - I ran through trees, by rivers, through a nature preserve, besides lakes - & didn't pass a single other human being the entire time. It was nice.
(I have lots of thoughts of my runs through New York. I was never bored, always entertained by the other runners around me at the park, & the blocks between our apartment & the park provided an obstacle course of sidewalks, strollers, taxis & pedestrians. I loved running through the city. I miss it - & I'm bringing my running shoes the next time I'm back.)
I'm really loving having something to work towards again. I need goals! March 3rd. The Woodlands Marathon (I'm doing half). I'm generally fairly regular-ish with my exercise, but training for something is different, & I'm really happy that friend Noelle pushed me to sign up for this upcoming race. I like that my body feels strong again, I like training forces me to get out & breathe in some fresh air, I love that I can take Q with me in his stroller, & I appreciate that I've made a few friends at the gym with whom I would likely otherwise not connect. Lots of benefits.
I really, really like that I don't have to run in the freezing cold. I almost shed my long-sleeved tshirt this morning. It was warm. It's funny how quickly we've become conditioned to this mild winter weather.
The other day, Q & I headed out to Northshore Park to meet up with some friends. The ducks! There are always hundreds of them, & while I don't really like their poo (& the fact that Q always wants to touch it - eek!), it made for a really nice outing on a warm & sunny winter afternoon. And look! Q has found his striped bestie. Of course, Q & I had a dinner date at Chipotle afterwards. He ate every bite! No surprise.
Did we already talk about how big (small.) Q is?! His 15 month appointment a few weeks ago put him at 21 pounds & 30 inches tall. He's blowing up the charts at the 9th percentile. Go, Quinn! Everyone always tells me that he's so big! but really - he's just a little guy. Sorry, Q. Good thing he's extra cute.
(I have lots of thoughts of my runs through New York. I was never bored, always entertained by the other runners around me at the park, & the blocks between our apartment & the park provided an obstacle course of sidewalks, strollers, taxis & pedestrians. I loved running through the city. I miss it - & I'm bringing my running shoes the next time I'm back.)
I'm really loving having something to work towards again. I need goals! March 3rd. The Woodlands Marathon (I'm doing half). I'm generally fairly regular-ish with my exercise, but training for something is different, & I'm really happy that friend Noelle pushed me to sign up for this upcoming race. I like that my body feels strong again, I like training forces me to get out & breathe in some fresh air, I love that I can take Q with me in his stroller, & I appreciate that I've made a few friends at the gym with whom I would likely otherwise not connect. Lots of benefits.
I really, really like that I don't have to run in the freezing cold. I almost shed my long-sleeved tshirt this morning. It was warm. It's funny how quickly we've become conditioned to this mild winter weather.
The other day, Q & I headed out to Northshore Park to meet up with some friends. The ducks! There are always hundreds of them, & while I don't really like their poo (& the fact that Q always wants to touch it - eek!), it made for a really nice outing on a warm & sunny winter afternoon. And look! Q has found his striped bestie. Of course, Q & I had a dinner date at Chipotle afterwards. He ate every bite! No surprise.
Did we already talk about how big (small.) Q is?! His 15 month appointment a few weeks ago put him at 21 pounds & 30 inches tall. He's blowing up the charts at the 9th percentile. Go, Quinn! Everyone always tells me that he's so big! but really - he's just a little guy. Sorry, Q. Good thing he's extra cute.

I cannot get enough of him going down a slide. It's too much, too soon!
Hooray for running! I know what you mean about the difference between having an exercise routine vs. training for something...that extra feeling of "purpose" gives workouts a little extra edge. (i.e. "If I don't make myself go do this run today, I *will* be paying for it come race day.")
I love his little elastic waist band jeans. He is like a tiny old man, with no waist or butt. I adore him.
I'm so proud of you. I love your determination. Also, this is just a friendly reminder that you will be wearing that navy striped lululemon top on race day bc it will make my life. Don't let me down, ok? I'm thinking next week might be a good week for me to take my baby and brand new bob for a spin around the woods. Wednesday is my free day... xo.
that woodlands half is like a thorn in my side. a big, fat $90 thorn. should i? shouldn't i? ugh!
Ducks + a park is heaven!
(Love that he has a pink striped best friend)
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