We arrived into New York later than expected Wednesday afternoon (boo for delays), which meant that we had an extra-sleepy little boy. He was of course wide awake the entire flight, but as soon as we got in our cab (a quick ride from Laguardia!) he was out. He slept all the way to our hotel, didn't stir while we checked in, slept in our hotel for a few hours, & continued sleeping while we moved him out of our hotel, into a cab & across the Brooklyn Bridge. He didn't wake up until we got to Robby & Kelsey's door, which explained why he was so. shy. for the first several minutes (sleepy, & likely rather confused as to why he was in Houston the last time he checked, & now he was in Brooklyn). He also may have been a bit overwhelmed at the 30 mostly-new faces.
Photos of our sleeping boy (excuse the iPhone photos):

This shyness didn't last long, of course. Kelsey & Robby hosted a really nice little gathering of the Nixon family tree + a few friends. Q held on tightly to Mike & me for the first several minutes, until he discovered Kylie. And then - obsessed! Next up on his new favorite list was Cole (Kylie's brother). He followed him around laughing all night - & all weekend.
Quinn's new word: Cole! With a really hard "C". He still says it all the time (being reunited with him next weekend will make him the happiest boy, I'm sure), & always with a smile. And his newest aunt clearly has a special place in his heart already (especially since she's known him since his birth).
Kelsey & Robby's rooftop has fabulous views of the city & is walking distance from the promenade in Brooklyn. It was such a happy night in their quaint little neighborhood. We kept Q out far past his bedtime, with no complaining on his part.
Also: Look! I wore fitted stripes to show that, yes! Of course I look (very) pregnant! Almost to my third trimester, & people seem to think I'd be offended at them thinking I actually look pregnant. I'm okay with it at this point, friends! There's a baby in there the size of a rutabaga & he is clearly making his presence known.
(Also, "his" is getting old. We need a name, people! Help, help, help!! Our list is short & we are not passionate about any of them. I'm taking all suggestions, as long as they are easy to pronounce & spell, go well with Quinn, aren't Biblical, boring or too trendy, & aren't dumb. No big deal, right?)

On Thursday night, we went to the rehearsal dinner at the most quintisential New York spot - Shake Shack! Tons of fun, great food (obviously) & perfectly Dave & Kylie. It was such a happy gathering, & Q had a really lovely dinner of french fries (this boy absolutely positively will not eat a hamburger). Once again, Q wanted very little to do with us & spent his time with his friends instead. I was okay with this.

Mike was kind enough to let me head out for an afterparty with Suzi while he put Q down for bed at our hotel. We did my favorite Suzi / Kathryn activities - manicure / pedicures, followed up by lots of unecessary breakfast food until 11pm at a diner. Parting was sweet sorrow, per usual, & I'm sure we could have stayed until they shut the place down. It made me miss those carefree days of pre-motherhood, the ease of living in the city & just walking out of our apartment to meet friends, & the kind of friendship where you really can just talk about anything for hours over bottomless Cokes (which we still do on the phone, I suppose, minus the fountain soda). A happy, happy night.
Such fun! What a great trip. The rooftop patio looks amazing, too. Q looks like such a big boy - he is adorable!
I cannot imagine living in NYC! It seems like an amazing place. BTW, I LOVE your pink shirt!
I really like your hair and the belly! It's fun to see your ny pictures again!
Boy name ideas, these don't all hit every target, but they might fit:
Boy names are hard! You rocked with Quinn so I'm sure you'll find a great fit for little brother.
I like Oliver from the above name list!
It's fun to see you back in NYC again. This looks like such a happy, happy night!
Such a cute couple they make- I'm ready to plan our NY trip. Like a tour of TJ's, just on a bigger scale, right?! Spring/Summer 2013. It's on the calender!!
Thanks so much for stopping in Shake Shack on your trip back to the city. Hope you had an awesome vacation, and our team can't wait to see you again next time!
-Brandy, Shake Shack
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