I'm not sure if there's anything better in life than seeing the people I love happy. Seeing two peple who I've loved independently of each other grow to love each other is an exceptionally sweet - & rare, I'd imagine - experience.
Do you want to know the story? I think everyone loves a good love story, right?
I've known Dave since he was the poofy-haired-high-school-sophomore-brother of the guy I was dating at BYU. Fast forward several semesters of dating, one marriage, & 5ish years later, & I met Kylie as the little sister of one of my closest New York friends Kelsey. I knew I needed her to be my friend as well as soon as I met her! She took our photos in Central Park one weekend while she was in town & said, It was so fun meeting you! We'll keep in touch, I'm sure!
And we did! We loved seeing her when she'd come visit the city, & I got to hear plenty of boy stories along the way. She did Q's birth announcement when he was born, & around the same time - as soon as Dave had, um, normalized a bit post-mission - we threw together some casual matchmaking magic & set them up during the fall of 2010. They went out a few times, & then for not-overly-dramatic reasons, stopped hanging out. When Kylie took these photos for us several months later, I asked her (without permission, oops!) if Dave could call her again, because I really thought that he should. She said sure! while in her brain saying nope!
*sidenote: that we're moving post almost exactly one year ago makes me feel all sort of angst all over again. And love for the people who were so kind to us. Still.
Fast forward to last Thanksgiving when she took these family photos for us in Texas, & to just a few weeks later when she said yes. We really, really just couldn't be happier. All of us, Q included.
They're just perfect for each other, really. They're both happy, good, fun, even-keeled human beings. They compliment each other so well, & I'm just positive that they're going to make each other really, really happy over the years. And seeing them get married in a city that we love so much, that they'll get to love so much together over the next several years - it was all just really lovely & nice (except for the part where Q screamed his brains out for 20 minutes outside of the temple - apparently he was displeased with us leaving him outside with his uncles for a bit while we attended the ceremony).
I feel like I selfishly get a lot out of their marriage: We get to be more-or-less related to our dear friends The Egans (Kelsey can be my sister-in-law-once-removed & we can call their babies cousins of Q + Little Brother?)! And I get a permanent sister-friend in Kylie. I'm lucky! And so happy.
Their wedding morning was hectic. Meaning, Mike picked up our rental car (just a few blocks from our hotel on the east side) with plenty of time to spare, only to spend at least 20 minutes going one-half of a block. I was ready to sprint in my wedges to make it to the temple on time if I had to (& I almost did). I love New York City with all of my heart, but the traffic - we should have taken the subway! We were relieved when we finally rushed through the doors (not so late), & loved being there for what was a really sweet + beautiful & really poignant ceremony. It makes the computer screen get all blurry whenever I think about it.
I felt a little bit like a paparrazi photographer, but I pulled out my zoom lens & shot away from a distance (doing my best to not get in the way of her really talented professional). Dave looked like the happiest man in the universe, & Kylie just looked really beautiful. I love seeing couples when they first walk out of the temple to their awaitng friends & family. The cheeks! The giant grins! The palatable happiness! I wish I could bottle it up & release it into my life every week.
It was such a happy morning - not to mention a brilliant & mild New York day with the sun shining. I felt so inspired, & am so excited to watch these two over the next zillion years.
Hooray for Kylie & Dave! Love you both.
(Photos from their beautiful reception up next.)
(Photos from their beautiful reception up next.)

yay!! They do look SO happy!! Fresh from the temple grins! I smile just thinking about it. Love everything about this.
pretty! everything looked perfect. congrats, kylie + dave!
her dress is beautiful. :)
love! officially sisters, what what?
Congratulations to them! What a beautiful, happy couple they are.
Love this! Love weddings and everything looks so happy here. I still can't get over the fact that YOU set them up...SO fun.
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