Jun 21, 2012


We've had a week of strange weather - hot, hot, hot on Monday, & then fierce thunderstorms Tuesday & Wednesday. Today, we were back at the pool. 

 I can't keep up, Texas. 

Thank goodness - on those extra warm days - for friends with lots of water to share. We went to friend + neighbor Amy's house on Monday & let the littles run around in the sprinkler & on the trampoloine. Q was in heaven. I, on the other hand, was really hot, which meant that I was almost immediately shameless in stripping my pregnant self down to my swimsuit & parading around the backyard like I was a supermodel*.

Mike got home tonight. Six days is approximately four days way too long. I think I was crying within 17 seconds of him walking in the door. Exhausted. I gave him a 5 minute condensed recap of my stress + anxieties (& near panic attack last night, coupled with a teething boy who wanted to be up from midnight until 1:30am) before explaining several times that really, I was just so tired. Nothing that a good night's sleep & some serious list-making can't fix. In the meantime, I'm grateful for Trader Joe's (maybe I've gone one-two-three-four-FIVE! times since last Saturday), good friends who talk me off of ledges (EB) & keep me company while Mike is away (MH, NO, NC, DC).

*I resemble nothing even remotely close to a supermodel.


Missy said...

Such pretty photos though! I can't keep up with Texas weather too. You are doing it though! And pregnant too! That should equal some sort of maternity bonus points right?

erin said...

list making. that reminds me i have the perfect card for you. don't let me forget.

Natalie said...

I'm just grateful that you still like my daughter after she tried to destroy your camera with that hose. Several times. It was fun, but next time I'm going half-naked like you.