Jul 24, 2012

Dave & Kylie Got Married: Waveny Reception.

Dave & Kylie got married! And I'm still working my way through photos...

Their New Canaan reception (the evening of the Manhattan ceremony) was really lovely, perfectly balmy, & included beautiful flowers, delicious food & lots of friends & family supporting them in a quintessential New Canaan setting. Q was such a good sport (staying until past 10pm, when he finally said night, night as we were putting him in his car seat to head back to the Whiting's home). I clearly had a good time as well, as I could barely walk that evening after a day in what were supposedly-sensible wedges. I won't hold any hard feelings against the shoes & will blame pregnancy instead, as that's the current scapegoat for just about everything these days. 

Celebrations of love are really, really happy things. 

And Q in a suit! I love him so much. 

1 comment:

Kylie Whiting said...

Happy! Love the photo of Robby + Cole. I need to get these from you. I'll call you today!