Jul 27, 2012

Three Weeks: Priest Lake 2012.


ellen said...

I think it's called The Perfect Summer.

sby1955 said...


Jill said...

Beautiful and so, so fun. I have a feeling this is why you got 3 hours of sleep! Well done. Also, that playhouse is darling.

Elizabeth said...

Love it! Great job.

Luke{and}Dana said...

This video is amazing! Your Quinn is the cutest!

Judy said...

What a magical place Priest Lake seems to be! What a perfect place for so many memories to be born! I absolutely love your videos on Vimeo...how did you learn how to do them??????????

Unknown said...

Q is such an excited little boy. That's fun to watch. Great memories for all of you (& soundtrack).

mandy* said...


Whitney said...

You have a serious talent my friend. That was beautiful!

[eeny] said...

beautiful video.

Jill said...

Loved it! Makes me wish I took a picture while we were at our cabin....

erin said...

it's no wonder quinn is obsessed with this video. it really is beautiful. you've gotta make one every year now, you know.