relaxing / trying to escape || smothering new friend Fuzzy Bear with loves || early morning cooking in the office (that needs furniture) || afternoon reading
Yesterday, I killed a cockroach with my bare hands a paper towel. Mike is always telling me to just do it, this way & I never do because cockroaches are disgusting (& fast!) & vacuums don't involve any crunch + squish. But I was upstairs, & it was small, so I did it.
I'm strangely proud.
Today, Q was playing on the kitchen floor when I saw him spot an earwig, track it, & then pick it up with his fingers. He was ready to plop the little monster into his mouth before I swooped in & intervened. Gross, Quinn! Yuck! Yuck!
He laughed. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! More giggles.
1 comment:
I think you are very brave indeed for squishing a cockroach with a paper towel. I am not sure how I would cope with those things...
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