Aug 13, 2012

Priest Lake '12: Part II.


Quinn discovered Grandpa & he immediately became the baby whisperer whenever Q needed some whispering (my child hasn't slept in glaring sunlight, in someones arms, ever) || Grandpa's The Lord Told Noah song was a huge hit || Elizabeth & her boys arrived - hooray! || Q & Ellie had a little party with the hose one day. The laughter! I loved it & so did he, clearly || The water warmed up significantly, & Grandma surpassed all of my very best let's go swimming! efforts & got Q in the water || Our early mornings continued with no sign of budging || Q spent a solid 30% of his day walking up & down the steps outside || Kayaking! || Girl's night at Cavanaugh Bay

(some of these photos are from our 3rd week - oh well!)

1 comment:

erin said...

everything's better in priest lake. i'm making that into a t-shirt.