The other day, I read something I'd written last fall about how we'd have a house full of furniture by December. Of 2011. As if that were so very far away.
Hello, naivete. You're really sweet.
I just picked out a rug for our front (piano) room. I mean, at least it has a piano in it I guess, but seriously. Slow progress.
This week, we had curtains hung in the nursery, Little Brother's rocker arrived, & he has clean sheets on his crib (which I'm sure he won't sleep in for several weeks after we get to bring him home - but it's ready nonetheless). I have a really great print ordered from Etsy to give the room some color (the nursery pallette is pretty quiet & simple, with grey, cream & natural), an ottoman should arrive in a few days & then... we're done. All we'll need is a baby. That's the easy part, right?
(Wrong. Enter anxiety.)
But seriously, a baby. I can't even believe it, except for the fact that I'm sure that half of my ribs are broken, I can't really bend any more, & I'm basically one giant contraction all day long (ouch). The final weeks of pregnancy are just a big giant party, really - not that I'd forgotten. Actually though, they kind of are! Next week we're in Austin with friends for Labor Day, the following weekend I'm throwing a shower for my sweet friend Natalie, & the weekend after is Q's 2nd birthday (I'll be keeping it simple, clearly). We likely won't have any more weekends as a family of three after that point. But really, it hasn't been that bad. I've had an easy third trimester (1st & 2nd... I don't like those so much), & my biggest complaint is that I've somehow developed pregnancy-induced tendonitis this pregnancy. By the end of the day I feel like an arthritic 90 year old. Other than that - fine, fine, fine.
We stayed busy this week. We had our one-year inspection on our home (!!) & they went through touching up all of the paint, sheetrock, etc. Everything feels fresh & new & clean, & that's nice. We put ceiling fans out on the back patio (which we aren't currently using - West Nile, go away!) which I bet will be really nice come... October. I went to The Container Store & designed a shelving system for our laundry room closet & it gets installed on Monday. I'm probably abnormally excited about this.
Q has started running across the room, jumping into my lap (ouch), throwing his arms around my neck & giving me a kiss. I was putting him down for a nap the other afternoon when he started making Donkey & Puppy give kisses to each other. When we were at the grocery store the other day he was in the cart & suddenly stopped, staring at me with his lips puckered. He didn't move until I gave him a kiss. He's obsessed with kisses. It's tender.
Q has started running across the room, jumping into my lap (ouch), throwing his arms around my neck & giving me a kiss. I was putting him down for a nap the other afternoon when he started making Donkey & Puppy give kisses to each other. When we were at the grocery store the other day he was in the cart & suddenly stopped, staring at me with his lips puckered. He didn't move until I gave him a kiss. He's obsessed with kisses. It's tender.
He's extra-snuggly before going to sleep. I remember worrying when he was a newborn that those sweet days of having a sleeping baby on my chest would zoom by so quickly. I'm happy that I still have them, for maybe just a little bit longer. I still sing him the same song as we did when he was a newborn, & he still puts his head down on my chest when he's relaxed & ready to go to sleep. I give myself a limit of how many times I can sing it - sometimes it's three, sometimes it's ten - because sometimes when I think about having a second baby, I just don't want to put him down to sleep.
(Although admittedly, of course, nap time is a very nice time of the day.)
Really, I've been the happiest (& most exhausted) watching this little boy grow up over the past two years. I can't say that it's gone by so fast because I feel like we've had these crazy, busy couple of years & some months were just really hard (especially those first few), but I still can't believe I have an almost-two-year-old & baby. Mike & I have shared a lot of love between us, but Q has given it an extra fullness that couldn't have come in any other way. I'm sure that Little Brother will only add to that (although of course I can't comprehend how there is more room in my heart - I only know it will happen). I really like this phase of life. Nothing is more important than us, & I want nothing more right now than to be a good mama.
(Which sometimes means that I really, really just want a nap.)
(Which sometimes means that I really, really just want a nap.)
Snapshots from our week:

|| hello ||

|| snack date with girl-friend Ella / #QuinnandElla2034 ||

|| bubbles bubbles bubbles ||

|| swim afternoon ||

|| girl-friend Addie + Q / He ate 3 bags of chips! / I didn't care since he barely eats when he's teething ||

|| friends Ryder & Luke (for Ryder's 1 Year Photos that we shot) ||

|| friend Holden ||

|| sleeping friend Charlie (he mostly sleeps, & always smiles) ||

|| post nap loves with Donkey & Puppy ||

|| hates his right shoe, always / currently refuses to wear socks / same shoes every day ||

|| please! please! please! please! ||

|| twins ||
catching up on your blog. loving it!
Thank you for saying that your son still sleeps on your chest. It wasn't 10 minutes ago that James was asleep on my chest & my eyes were full of tears as I told JT that someday he won't snuggle into me like this to fall asleep. There is nothing sweeter in the world than that feeling of when your baby melts into you. I am glad to know that maybe when he's two he will still want to snuggle on me like that.
PS I love the kid with a fan on his car-seat. I need one of those for when I take James to the beach!
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