Mike said, This photo is so Quinn!
I like it because I think he sort-of-kind-of looks like me in this photo - or at least looks like a distant relative. He has my (non-pregnant) face shap, I think. And eyes. But otherwise, hello Mike!
He started saying, Yeah! to everything this week. It's hilarious, & makes him sound like a pre-teen. And all of a sudden, he's climbing everywhere. Up ladders, shelves, furniture, you name it. He's turned into a little monkey overnight.
We were at a birthday party this afternoon & he fell off of a swim platform ledge & into the pool. I moved faster than I thought was humanly possible with my cumbersome pregnant body, but he was still face down & motionless in the pool (a foot below the surface) when I got there probably not even a full second later.
I was wearing big sunglasses & I was glad, because I cried, instantly.
When I was putting him to bed tonight & we'd read stories, sung songs & said our prayer together, he pointed at the rocker in his room & wanted more snuggles. So we rocked for an extra who knows how many minutes, just because he asked, & we could, & I was grateful for that today.
(And then he gave me a kiss on the cheek before climbing into his crib & saying night night. He's all about cheek kisses these days & it melts my heart every time.)
He hates wearing his right shoe, is obsessed with his train book that Suzi gave him last year, & is suddenly obsessed with learning his numbers. We always read to him before we put him to bed, but my favorite is in the middle of the day when he brings me a stack of books & climbs up onto the couch next to me. We like our reading time.
He seems to be making progress in the teething department, & slept in until the blessed hour of 6:45am this morning (so much better than the 5am with screaming that we were getting used to). I, on the other hand, am sleeping less & less. Hello, final weeks of pregnancy (& oxygen deprivation).
We're having a really nice week, focusing on various little projects every day to get our house in order & to get ready for Little Brother. Mike has been home since we got back from Priest Lake & it's been really lovely. I'm enjoying it while I can, because I know it won't last. In the meantime, I'm trying to make yummy dinners & good breakfasts. Pioneer Woman's favorite burger was this week's best effort I think - blue cheese & grilled red onions are my new favorite combo on a burger.
One year ago: All of our earthly posessions were in a truck on their way to Texas from New York & we were enjoying Hilton Head with the Whiting family.
His eyes are you! Perfect combination of you two.
oh my goodness, KW, so glad you were there when Quinn fell in the pool. That is terrifying.
That is the worst story! Both of you needed the extra snuggles after a day like that.
I hate scares like that.. and unfortunately there will be more than one time in your life when something happens and you need more cuddle time.. He is such a cute and smart boy he is lucky to have such a good mom
Precious moments, tender and sweet are wonderful to have recorded. You will never, ever regret this time when you were so faithful in doing it. You're a wonderful mama!
learning his numbers?! isn't he too little? he hasn't changed since i moved, right? this makes me sad.
Nothing scares me more than pools with little babes. So glad you were right there!
His big brown eyes! The cutest little boy really.
Ugh, the pool story made my stomach hurt.
Loved the rest of the post - he is becoming such a little boy! So grown up yet still jus a smidgen of baby. Love him!
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