Q wakes up in the morning & says a few things almost immediately:
Choo choo!!
He loves his little brother of course, but to say that he's obsessed with the last three would be an understatement. The train interest probably began a few months ago, but the obsession came on full force over the past several weeks. I'm getting my hands on as many train-themed books & toys as I can, & you'd better believe that his Christmas gifts are already picked out. I brought him home a small wooden train from my errands this afternoon & he was so happy. So, so happy.
I've also watched most train-related videos on YouTube. Thanks, Mom.
He's suddenly turned into such a boy. Trains! Cars! The bus! The little yellow school bus I picked up at the JCrew outlet on a whim months ago is now one of his very favorite toys. Seeing a real bus go through our neighborhood each afternoon always makes his day.
Numbers & letters! He is learning so fast. I made him a magnet board in the playroom the other week & it's the best thing I've done in months. He loves playing with the letters & numbers & is especially intersted in eight. He loves the number eight & points it out everywhere he goes. He also loves O, F , E & P this week, & every day he's showing me that he's picked up something new (today was P while he was eating his breakfast - his new placemat is covered in letters & animals). His blocks make for great practice while I'm feeding West, & are doing a relatively good job of keeping us all occupied during those moments (8 times a day!!) where I'm wishing that I had an extra set or two of hands.
We've also finally solved the latest where did he pick that up?! mystery. It turns out that two of his latest words - truck & frog don't really blend well, if you catch my drift. We're practicing his enunciation of both instead of him continuing to mush them into one single word. Sweet boy.
We had a mostly-good week (& that counts as a success!). I only cried a few times, showered every day (only once before 9pm, but that's okay), got out of the house most days & most importantly - survived. One day at a time!
(Although Mike goes out of town tomorrow for what feels like - & almost is - the rest of the month. Send prayers to Texas, friends. I need to make it through October!)

Oh good heavens, he's delicious. And he looks less like Q now, and more like he is own little person. I can't wait to see what kind of boy he will be. (Spirited #2?)
Also, Q? Mini-mike.
Quinn is officially a big boy now. Crazy. And I don't know how I'm just seeing all of these pictures! And the birth story? And the picture of you, Mike and your Mom? I'm dying. Having the photographer there was the best idea ever. xoxo.
I loved the bus at the JCrew outlet this past summer...my girls weren't erally into it. I'm glad someone is getting use of it:)
Lovely pictures. Happy happy things (although fingers crossed for you through the end of the month!)
when i heard quinn using real words on the phone today, i was dying. stop growing, QHW. but you are the cutest little boy ever.
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