And he's awake!
(Sometimes, anyway.)
He has started to say hello in the middle of the night when my firstborn is sleeping soundly & I should be as well - you know, in order to protect my mental health & what not. We've had plenty of good (great!) nights, & then a few nights here & there (more there the past week) that make me want to cry uncle.
Mike & I have determined that we make spirited babies, which is totally fine, because spirited people are really great, of course - I'm one of them, as my kind pediatrician pointed out the other week (um, thanks?!). But seriously, hello, newborn bootcamp. Oh my goodness, it's just humbling, even the second time around. Some things are so much easier (nursing! so much better this time, hooray!) - & part of that just has to do with confidence, I think - & then some things are equally just as difficult. It has all quickly come back to me that the first few months with a new baby are just hard for me - just physically & emotionally exhausting (understatement). My head has felt decidedly under water, with maybe just a little straw reaching up to the surface for air, but we are making it (barely). Being a mama teaches me over & over again that I am capable of anything. Especially with the help of good friends & family for actual + emotional support (thank you, thank you). It absolutely takes a village, & I'm really grateful for mine.
Milestones this week: Moving up in the world to size 1 diapers, packing away some of his under 7 pounds clothing, generally getting more round, starting to enjoy the swing (thank goodness) & thinking about potentially taking a binky for more than 5 minutes someday. Heaven help me on that last one. Checking out at Target with an inconsolable newborn this evening was a teensy bit stressful (the cashier asked if my wearing-blue baby girl was two or three months old - what?! - & pointed out how wonderful it is that their little cries tell us exactly what they're feeling / need, a skill I certainly wish I had acquired at this point). Nursing a baby + doing a quick lap diaper change in the backseat of my luckily-tinted-windowed car was pretty awesome, too. Thanks goodness Mike had Q.
Three weeks! It feels like we've never been without him, but yet I'm still sort of surprised to get woken up by newborn cries. Such a strange, new reality with two.

Cute onesie West!
And Mike is already going out of town? Bennett is 3+ months & I just barely conquered the grocery store by myself. You are amazing!
I have to believe that the Target cashier does not actually have children. Their cries tell us their needs?
No. And no.
Oh I'm dying at the comment about how their cries tell us what they need. I'm still a little stumped by my girls cries (Want me to hold you while you throw a fit? No? You don't want me to hold you? Ok. Wait now you do? Ok.).
You are doing great Kathryn. Amazingly great.
oh my word. get that baby in my arms!
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