Nov 26, 2012


Both sets of parents came down for West's blessing the first weekend of November. A friend suggested that a good group activity might be going to this nature preserve a bit south of us (a pretty place to just walk around & let Quinn explore), so naturally, I took my parents & my inlaws to a large forested area full of copperhead snakes. No, seriously, we met a couple as we were walking out & the man was carrying a giant stick - which he said he used TO KILL SNAKES (he'd needed to use it several times in the past few months). There was a big sign at the entrance warning us about all sorts of horrendous animals & the whole outing was probably just a little bit of a bad decision. 

Oh, Texas. 

Also, I immediately texted this friend & told her we were in a fight.

Otherwise - we spent a mellow weekend together with trips to the park, some lovely Mexican food, a Chick Fil A introduction for the Whitings & lots of yummy meals at home. Q got plenty of attention from his grandmas & grandpas & I got my mom again for lots of help & mothering-ness. We were sort of exhausted by the time everyone left, but felt lucky to have our parents travel all the way here & were once again reminded what sweet blessings these boys are.  

(We're also lucky that West stayed peacefully asleep for his blessing, which took place during a bit of a sad phase in his life where we'd just figured out that he wasn't pleased with me eating gluten or dairy. Sigh.)

West hasn't taken a binky since my dad got him to take one while he was here. Another sigh. 


*I somehow made a series of unfortunate wardrobe choices the entire weekend. Looking back at photos of our post-partum bodies is never pleasant, but as I was walking the other day I remebered that I've made two babies! And that's just really awesome, chubbiness & all.


Lizzie said...

I love that you matched Quinn & West's ties. So adorable. And you look GREAT & always make impeccable wardrobe choices :) xoxo.

Missy said...

I think you look great Kathryn even though I'm sure you are thinking that you certainly weren't hoping for those types of comments.

Blessing days are always a little stressful, but so memorable once the blessing part is actually over. The snakes is pretty funny, albeit it freaky too!

erin said...

you look pretty. and give me your shoes now.

do you have a picture of just your dad holding west? i gotta see this. you should have named him west philip hudson whiting.

Kera said...

looking guuud guuurl.