Dec 2, 2012


We spent Thanksgiving in Texas for the second year in a row (a tradition!) & it was really nice - nice to have Mike home for a long weekend, nice to not worry about traveling, & nice to spend time with just the four of us - a rare occasion since West was born. We missed seeing family, but the comfort of being in our own home with a toddler & a newborn was not lost on us. It was... nice. 

We went on a little family walk in the morning, setting up a tripod for a family photo to commemorate the day together (Christmas card?!), played at the park & while West snoozed & just enjoyed the breezy + warm fall weather. We really, really love Texas weather in the fall & winter.

(The photos of Q are killing me. He such a little boy, & now he laughs when I scoop him up in my arms & pretend that he's a baby.) 

Our sweet friends the Cannons took pity on us & joined us for dinner that afternoon. And by joined us, I mean that they brought most of the meal that we were lucky to enjoy. We, on the other hand, bought a turkey (breast - from Rudy's BBQ, & really the best Thanksgiving decision we could have made - the start of another tradition!), made a salad & took advantage of Trader Joe's for gravy & cranberry sauce (who really even eats that?). Jackson's mother in law was in town & we benefited from her fantastic baking + cooking skills. Jackson made sweet potatoes (which should have fallen into the dessert category, really) & Natalie made a pretzel jello salad (is that what they're even called?). Everything we ate was delicious, & the day was pretty mellow & relaxed. I think it's the way it always should be.

I didn't take nearly as many photos as I should have, especially of the little ones. Q was totally enthralled with our just-put-up Christmas tree that day & wouldn't stop saying Lights!! repeatedly, nor would he tolerate someone not being in the piano room with him at all times while he excitedly (obsessively) looked at the tree (sweet boy - he's got his quirks...). We had three infants between our two families, & they did well. Q only ended up with one self-inflicted wound, & there were otherwise no obvious inuries. I'd call it a success.


I'm especially thankful this year for a few things: for people who help without being asked (I've learned that I should act more & ask less of Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! - I'm so grateful for those people who literally just showed up on my doorstep), for the supportive & kind women I have in my life who have been so good to me this year, for West's safe (albeit quick) arrival & for my family of four. I have a lot to be grateful for. 


Jan said...

So so lovely!

Jan said...

So so lovely!

Lindsey said...

well that looks like a lovely thanksgiving - i love your table setting/centerpiece thing you have going on.