Jan 15, 2013


Friend Wells came over for a play date this morning. West was a little bit of a rude guest & took a three hour nap & only woke up long enough to say hello during lunch, but Q & Wells had a nice little time together. Hooray for small friends (& for nice friends like Danielle who are willing to drive up to the 'burbs to keep us company)!


Elizabeth said...

West looks annoyed thats a funny pic. ps I think he has more hair than sloane does right now...

danielle said...

West also looks like he's been putting in some serious time at the gym!

jocelyn said...

cauuuute boys! it is an unjust world we live in when toddlers start sleeping worse than babies. it seriously seems like if one is not waking up, then it's the other. and when you're super lucky, it's both! there truly is no rest for us weary moms.