Feb 12, 2013

A menu & some photos.

11:20pm & I just got out of the shower for the day! Oh boy...

I always feel like I have a lot of stories I want to tell, but tonight - with a traveling husband - I know that I should probably just go to sleep. But! I made a menu for our week (starting last Saturday) & wanted to share. As much work as planning + shopping for a week at a time is, it saves me trips to the store that I'd rather not take with two littles & keeps my brain from being quite so scattered. I've left my keys in my front door twice in the past week (once with my 72-hours-old new car sitting in the driveway!!). The first time, I searched for my keys for a solid half hour before finding them, & the second time a creepy man came & knocked on my door & handed them to me. I've lost my mind.

(Have I mentioned that I still haven't gone to the grocery store with both boys? It's partly out of total fear & partly that I've just structured my weeks so that I just go when I have my sitter or when Mike is home. I wanted to go today, & decided that I couldn't possibly. It was raining.)

Anyway - our menu. It's nothing fancy, per usual, but at least it's a plan & no one will go hungry.

D: Salmon in a Parmesan herb crust, with steamed lemon broccoli & roasted potatoes (tossed with olive oil, garlic salt, Parmesan, salt & pepper)

B: Buttermilk blueberry pancakes & green smoothies
L: Prosciutto, arugula + smelly cheese sandwiches (I used a soft brie) on ciabatta. I love smelly cheese! Q had mac 'n cheese.

B: Green smoothies + waffles (TJ's frozen)
L: Black bean & cheese tacquitos (I had leftovers + FOUR chocolate chip cookies. The shame.)
D: Mike traveling - Quesadillas (I had a green smoothie, given my lunch.)

B: Toast & eggs + green smoothies
L: Spinach tortellini
D: Girl-date for me, make Chicken Soup Noodles for Mike & Q

B: Eggs & toast + fruit & yogurt 
D: Lamb meatballs with couscous (I can't stop making these - third week in a row!)

B: Cereal + fruit & yogurt 
L: Black bean & cheese tacquitos & guacamole

B: Egg in a holes + green smoothies
L: Quesadillas or mac 'n cheese

L: ?
D: Out for Valentine's Day

L: Smelly cheese sandwiches (same as "last" Sunday - they were great)

Random photos.


Missy said...

I made a menu too! It is a must...otherwise I look in the fridge at 4 and don't know what I should make, wish I had done something. But, I'm not as organized as you with breakfast and lunch - you have got it together.

I love the picture dump and West! He looks SO much like you I can't even believe it. Those happy eyes and smile!

Mike said...

Can't wait for meatballs tonight! And this is a great batch of photos. We produce high quality eyeballs in our kids.

BTO said...

The crash hot potatoes are genius! I'll try the Lamb meatballs this next week, Sounds delicious! Thanks for posting. And wests cute little expressions.

Meg said...

I'm a crash hot potato convert.

Angie said...

I love when you post menus. You always share such good healthy recipes. I made the lamb meatballs and loved!