Feb 22, 2013

Bits & Pieces.

Our days more or less look like this. 

(I had a slew of various snippets from our iPhones & my camera from the past week or two that I didn't want to archive & never see again...)


Jill said...

This whole video made me smile, but West laughing at Quinn is heart melting. You are SO SO good to have this all documented and then kept in a way that is watchable!

Oh, and those cheeks. I wish I was there to squeeze them.

Love love love.

Jill said...

Ok one more thing, what is that fabulous script font?

ellen said...

There are lots of laughs and smiles in your life!

Lizzie said...

What a beautiful life!

Elizabeth said...

I wish I had your talent for video! They are going to love these when they grow up! Also I am amazed at Mikes swinging I get sick on swings now.