Feb 21, 2013

Livy turned 3.

I registered Quinn for preschool this week, & when they sent me an email confirming the details yesterday, I almost cried. I'm happy because I think I found the perfect spot for him in the fall, but I also don't like this first big step towards separation. All of a sudden, he's going to birthday parties & hanging out with his friends & squirming away from my kisses.  

(I asked him if he wanted some water the other & he looked at me & said, No thanks! like he was a teenager.) 

He was the youngest at the party, but I still felt like I was watching him at his senior prom. 

Pink, pink, pink & the best donuts in Texas. A perfect party for sweet Livy.  

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love him in that group picture (he is on the very left). He looks like the sweetest boy.