Oct 22, 2006


Getting out of the city during the fall is an a perfect escape. It also makes our apartment feel very tiny when we get back! We took another weekend trip to check out the fall foliage. We remembered our memory card this time...

My favorite picture from the weekend. The hills of trees remind me of big quilts.

We found this valley by accident - driving off of the main road, into a state park, and over a small one lane bridge. The view was quite the find.

A reservoir near New Canaan

We spent much of our drive on 9W, starting in Nyack and driving north along the Hudson River. The small windy roads and beautiful trees reminded me of when I was little girl... My dad has a love for small, fast sports cars. He and I had a tradition (I think we did it two or three times) of taking a drive in his car up to the top of a mountain near our house every year on my birthday. He would drive fast, zipping around corners as we climbed higher and higher. We always listened to Enya. Loud. When we reached the top, we ate sandwiches on the deck of a small cabin built during the Roosevelt era. I missed my dad this weekend, as we listened to Enya, driving on small windy roads, and observing the incredible display of fall colors.

Orchard Farm. The gate was open, so we felt okay trespassing. This driveway (yes, driveway) leads to the most spectacular, immaculate estate I have ever seen in my life, complete with guest house & tennis courts. I'm sure I would have felt like little orphan Annie had I actually been able to walk through the front doors.

This is the absolutely spectacular view that we have from "our" bedroom at Mike's parents home in New Canaan. It is a nice change of pace seeing our regular view of Deutsche Bank.


Anonymous said...

Man! You guys must love living out there... The scenery blows me away! Nice work

Jan said...

The really cool thing about blogs is that we can share the magnificent things in our lives with those we love - Hreat pictures! xoxoxoMom

Jan said...

The really cool thing about blogs is that we can share the magnificent things in our lives with those we love - Hreat pictures! xoxoxoMom