Oct 4, 2006


A few random things in no particular order:
  • I received a resume at work today and needed to call this particular candidate. His last name can not be divulged, but his first name was spelled "Wiener". Yes, WIENER. After much discussion with my colleagues in the cubicles around me, we decided that yes, his name could not possibly be what it looked like and must instead be pronounced "WHY-ner". So I called this gentleman, and said, "Hello, this is Kathryn Whiting calling from Goldman Sachs, is this Why-ner"? His response- "No, actually, it's WEENER, like a hot dog!" He was completely unabashed about his curse of a name, despite the fact that I most definitely was not picturing $1 street food when I saw his name on his resume. Someone should put his parents in jail...
  • I have a new favorite song, thanks to Joanna's cd she made me while she was in New York. It's The World Spins Madly On by the Weepies. I'm sure this song came out ages ago and I am way out of touch, but it was the first time I had heard it and I fell in instant love.
  • I have not had a Coke (or any soda, for that matter) in over two weeks. I am enjoying the $1.50 savings every day, the avoidance of mid-afternoon headaches, and the dozen or so trips to the bathroom I am taking every day from drinking so much water at my desk. I was having an intense craving the other afternoon (of course, around 1:00, my normal "fix" time) and found the best way to beat it - I went straight to google and looked up "negative side effects of soda". I am finished. Enough said.
  • Congrats! Mike was offered and accepted a new job at Citigroup. Hooray! I am so proud of him. He has done an incredible job over the past year and a half, and seems to have a cult-like following at work. It's nice to see that his hard work has not gone unnoticed. Meanwhile, he is BUSY making the transition, so we haven't seen much of eachother this week between both of our uber busy work schedules.
  • I pulled a grey hair out of my head today. It was about 3 inches long, sticking straight up. I am ashamed to say that I have pulled this sneaky thing out before. Does this mean I am old? I thought kids and mortgages were supposed to cause grey. I don't have any kids! I rent! I'm going to call up Bradley and go get my hair colored!

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