Nov 15, 2006

Insomnia (no period after the word as this is Mike)

Kathryn seems to find blogging cathartic, so I figured hey, why not give it a whirl while I have something thought-provoking on my mind. This evening we had the opportunity to attend a surprise birthday party for a friend of ours that is turning 30. Although I'm sure this weighed much more on the birthday boy than on I, the events of the evening brought to mind several of those ever-present questions - who am I, where am I going, etc. Coincidentally enough, this past weekend I stumbled upon a school project that I completed during my junior year in high school in which I muse about what life would be like 5 years in the future. Here I am, much past that, still wondering those same things. The first 25 years seemed so defined by specific milestones. I shudder to think that, for some, age itself becomes the milestone. This being said, it's time to set some new goals. Who knows, if you're lucky, I may even blog them. Keep posted.

Those of you who actively read the page (I'm not sure if I'm even addressing more than one person) - any thoughts on milestones you hope to reach? Blog away! That's what the comment section is for!

1 comment:

Jan said...

I, for one, read all my kids blogs...I'm a mom, after all, and anything they or their loved ones do is of interest to me. Indeed, I only began to think about where I came from, who I am, and where I might eventually go, as a college student. I was sorely behind times....a later bloomer, so to speak. It's funny how things become more clear and focused during our lives. I think after we married, Phil and I both were so busy with school and work, that it was some four years later when we had Tara that we actually considered the fact that we were growing up, at last.We were in no hurry. Life was good. If I had one wish now it would be that we'd set more concrete goals that we could account for, spiritually, personally and otherwise. Just having them on paper (so to speak) would have been cause for reflection - not necessarily a rigid path to follow, but one with definitions that were alive and in the forefront of our minds. So now we look back 38 (!!!) years and lots has happened. We have stayed the course in many ways, and detoured in a few. It's been quite the journey. My biggest piece of advice is to enjoy that journey. Find what you love to do. Do it well. Do it where you want to do it, and never lose sight of the most important things life has to offer.
Got to love those blogs...