Dec 16, 2006

A Little Bit About Everything.

My mom was very impressed with our local grocery store and decided she needed to take some pictures. The store may be small, but the plethora of cheese is impressive.

Olives. Lots of olives.

My dad does not like me standing too closely to the tracks when the subway is coming. Apparently he is the exception to the rule. :)

Slava's Snowshow is GREAT! It involves bubbles, spider webs, large bouncing balls, blowing snow, dancing clowns and hurricane-force winds. We got in a snow fight at the end and were rained on by large-footed clowns. It is a must-see for anyone visiting NYC.

A spider web covering the entire audience. Very strange, but so fun.

The Cast: very sad looking clowns.


Our wedding cake was very cute- White with green polka dots. This week was host to a momentous (if not a little scary) occasion: My parents have had the top to our wedding cake in their freezer since April 30th, 2005. They brought it back with them in a freezer bag, and we all had a bite (I was too scared to eat an entire piece). Unwrapping it was sort of like unwinding a mummy. It actually tasted really good! Nice call on the white chocolate and chocolate mousse frosting, Mike (he chose the cake). Yummy!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Great pictures! Great blog!...and it's all true! We had such fun didn't we?