Jan 16, 2007

Bladder Infections?

Can you get a bladder infections from "holding it" for too long? When I started my new job almost 7 months ago, a girl on my team said that I would start getting bladder infections because I would be so busy that I would not be able to get up from my desk to pee. I could not believe that this could possibly be true. A few months ago, however, I noticed that I was needing to wait a few hours at a time before I could get a way from my desk to "go" (sorry for the childish post, here). Today, there were THREE separate occasions when I just about burst. I have a nalgene at my desk that I fill up several times a day. Water keeps me awake, and has been a great replacement for my Diet Coke problem I was having a while ago. Maybe I should quit drinking so much water? Anyway- I was SO busy today that I literally had to RUN to the bathroom several times. It felt like those "Will I make it?!" experiences I'd have on road trips as a small child. Am I going to get a bladder infection one of these days? This cannot be healthy (nor can sitting at a desk for 14 1/2 hours at a time). On a completely unrelated topic (it is 11:30 pm, I just got home, I'm exhausted and I want to go to bed - this is not a well thought out blog post here), I now realize that I am a cheese tortilla person. I'm not really sure what this means on a deeper level, but my choice is clear. My favorite snack in the whole wide world is a simple cheese tortilla filled with Mexican-blend cheese (mozzarella is a close 2nd) and microwaved for 45 seconds. Roll up, and enjoy! It is simple & delicious, something I've been doing since I can remember. Tonight, this was my dinner. Yum. Time for bed.


Melissa said...

"One cause of bladder infections or UTI is waiting too long to urinate. The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting very long past the time you first feel the need to urinate causes the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity which over time can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder which may increase the risk of urinary tract infection or bladder infection."

I got this statement out of one of my nursing books...so you are probably at risk for a bladder infection. It isn't like the #1 cause of bladder infections but it increases your risk when you continually hold it. Its good to be drinking all that water, but make sure you give yourself some time to use the bathroom when you need it! :) Good luck!

k. said...

I'm toast!!