Jan 24, 2007


I don't have any fun pictures because no part of this week has been fun. There's no better way to start out the week than with your feet in stirrups, faced with cold & incredibly invasive instruments and a headlamp heading your way. I suppose this was an appropriate indication of how my week would go. The OBGYN is not my favorite appointment of the year. I put it off until the very last week possible and was incredibly happy to get it over with. This being said- I will never again schedule this kind of appointment for 9am on Monday morning again. Tuesday morning wasn't much better. It didn't start off well. I went to bed soon after getting home from work (close to 10) and Mike headed off to the gym. When he was getting ready for bed around midnight, I woke up completely disoriented and confused. I decided that I definitely was thirsty and definitely needed juice. I got out of bed, went to the fridge and drank some juice, and climbed back into bed. I was very tired. I proceeded to toss turn all night long. Mike managed to develop a new snore which kept waking me up. I was so mad that I finally kicked him! This was likely the meanest thing I have ever done to him, but I was SO tired and he WOULD NOT STOP. It worked, and I went back to sleep... for a bit. I had odd dreams over and over again. I couldn't stay comfortable. Mike was rebelling against the "best way" to sleep/cuddle and kept pushing me away in his sleep. I was restless! I was exhausted! Finally, I fell asleep, only to wake up what seemed like mere minutes later, freezing cold & shivering. Somehow I had managed to take our entire comforter and throw it completely off the bed in my sleep. Who knows what I was thinking, but it was chilly in our room! Wednesday proved to be equally difficult. One of Mike's friends on the west coast was kind enough to send him a text message around 1:00 am EST. Mike's phone has a lovely feature of reminding you that you have a message every few minutes. I think I subconsciously woke up every 4 1/2 minutes all night until I had finally had enough at 5am and got out of bed to turn it off. I climbed back in bed, exhausted and frustrated, and simply could not fall asleep. That is, of course, until about 6:45 am or so. I was in the middle of a fantastic sleep when my alarm was kind enough to wake me up at 7:00 am. Bah!! (This is Mike's expression of frustration.) This week has been a week of little accomplishments. My personal to-do list has been horribly neglected, as has my husband. I have not cooked a meal since Sunday, and this was only soup and bread. I have had dinner at work every night this week (my new obsession is Au Mandarin Chinese - Thanks Kellie & Jason!), and have not managed to make it outside even once between the hours of 8am and 10pm. I have worked 40 hours this week and it is only Wednesday! This is going to be the norm until about the end of February. I am fine with it- I am proud of myself for having the stamina to work long hours and I am learning a tremendous amount, but by Wednesday... I am tired. I'm ready for a weekend. I have two very long days ahead of me and then thankfully.... Saturday. Here's a hello to my family & friends that I have spent so little time talking to this week. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good luck with the rest of the week. you sound crazy busy! and the horrible sleeping is SO painful. I hope February comes quickly for you.