Jan 29, 2007

Pam + Jim.


Missy said...

This just made my night. Can I steal it and put it on my blog? I love The Office. Love it and heart Pam and Jim together more than life itself.

k. said...
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k. said...

Feel free. I have been obsessed with The Office since episode 1. It is the highlight of our week. We went on a weekend trip a few months ago (to Ecce) and actually drove through Scranton. A girl I work with actually went to school, too! Apparently it is a pretty "slow" place.

I've been missing it quite a bit on Thursday nights lately, but there is a UK website where you can download the episodes for free... Pam & Jim's kiss at the end of Season 2 was perhaps one of the greatest moments on television. :) We have both seasons on DVD... my husband never gets sick of watching them, and I got my parents addicted over Thanksgiving break.

Have you watched the British version?

Missy said...

I haven't watched the British version, but my brother says that it is even better.

I agree with you about the kiss and I can't even wait for next episode. I'm sad when it's over. We buy them off iTunes on Friday night and watch it as a "date" of sorts. If that would be counted as a date.

Even still, it is the best show. Have you seen the British one?

k. said...

I've seen one episode of the British version, but didn't really get into it. I think that I'll just have to buy it on DVD and watch it over the summer. I've heard that it is pretty great, and I definitely have an appreciation for British humor. I'll let you know what I think!